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It Was So Cold Today...



You know why they have those cracks in the sidewalk? Because when it's hot in the summer, the concrete in the sidewalk expands, and when it's cold in the winter, it contracts, right? That way there's room for the little cracks in the sidewalk to get bigger or smaller as the concrete blocks contract or expand with the cold or the heat, all respectively. So the concrete doesn't instead crack or buckle as it heats and cools alternately.


Well apparently they do that in roads too, it's just had to see because, well, a little dark crack in black asphalt... you know?


Well it wasn't hard to see today! I'm walking to the bus stop, after seeing numbers on the Weather Channel like 19 and negative 5. Farenheit, of course. For all ye Celciusers out there those would both be a ways below 0.


So I pass a manhole, and right along the center diameter of the manhole, from one end of the street to the other, is a nice, neat, straight crack two freakin' centimeters wide. TWO CENTIMETERS wide.


THAT'S how cold it was today.


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-24 windchill. Brrr.


'Course, here in Illinois, it could be 85 tomorrow. I love these weather antics. :)

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What's freaky is that for the first time in years, my town's getting below-freezing temperatures. We usually average around the 40s in winter, but we've been getting somewhere in the range of 19 more recently.


Still, better off than temperatures that can split asphalt. :P


-Chicken Little-

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I'm sorry, I forgot to add 'The Edge Chronicles' by Chris Riddell and Philip Stewart to the 'Reading' List. You must read these. you MUST. They're perhaps the best set of Kid-Teenager books ever to come out of Britain.

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