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What. A. Day.



So, yesterday, it was pouring rain with high winds. And I had to go into a swamp to pick some winterbarry, which my brothers sell to florists - I'm kinda taking over the business after they moved out - and when I got home, I found out that i didn't even have to pick it, so I was soaked to the skin and a bundle over what I needed.


Then about ten seconds after I got back from delivering it, the power goes off. >.<


So yeah, what a day...




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haha, did i tell you that the power went out at my place too? it just so happened to do so right when i unplugged my electric pencil sharpener, and i'm like 'oh, crud, what'd i do'?

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haha, yeah, that was the good part. but you know what would be funny? if your light were already out when your power blew, and you never knew that it came back on, so you were sitting by candle light waiting for the lites to start working again while your neighbors are watching TV and using the microwave and stuff. XD

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knowing my two bro's, they'd probably try to convince me that the black out was global, and we were headed for the next ice age and stuff XP

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