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Hf 2011 And Pm 2010



Both are the second years for the lines, and they both have a fire theme.




Also I might have liked the new HF sets if they didn't have wacky ball-joint connections on the armor. That is seriously weird.


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I'm pretty sure the fire themed Power Miners wave is the third wave.

Eh, counting the two halves of 2009 separately, I guess. I consider them the same, if only because the theme of the line was the same through 2009, then changed on 2010.


Either way, entry edited for clarity.

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Maybe they do, but what does that connection have over the standard axles and pegs? I guess they may have more articulation, but they sure don't seem sturdy enough for it. :/
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But that's the whole thing; now they can make them more sturdy! 8D


I mean, they just have to attach a second 'foot' to the back of the lower leg now; whereas before they had to do complicated mechanics just to stabilize the legs. =P


However; they should have had a fusion for this wave, to ease people through the transition. =/


Though; since the ball joint connection system allows for use of the old parts, I don't worry much. =P

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