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Home From School

Doctor Norik


Well, I woke up sick today, so I guess I missed school. Although it was another half-day.... Didn't miss much.... No tests today..... Not a lot, really.


Oh boy! Heroes was last night! It was so cool! Nikki's in trouble, trapped by Jessica. Nathan's Claire's real dad, and now Merideth knows that her daughter survived the fire 14 years ago! Peter and Claude are fighting, and Claude almost got him killed.... Simone betrayed Peter for Isaac, who's painted New York post-nuke. Hiro and Ando have convinced Mr. Nakamura to let him continue to Las-Vegas, and we didn't hear from Mohinder at all! Sandra had her memory erased, and Sylar escaped, trapping Mr. Bennet behind in the cage. Although he did get out eventually, thanks to the Hatian. And Zach's wondering what the heck's going on.

Also, the preview for next week looks thrilling! Matt gets thrown out a window, and Jessica's going around killing people, while Micah and DL don't know what's happened to Nikki! Nathan and Merideth reunite with Claire, and...... Wow. I just said a LOT.

Ooh! LOT is like LOST, which airs TOMORROW! YAY! Ben's in the hospital, while Jack's telling Kate and Sawyer to run, but he doesn't know that they're on another island. Locke, Hurley, Charlie and Desmond head out to find The Others, but what about Claire and Aaron?



Ooh- can't wait!


Yeah, and I don't have school tomorrow, for reasons unknown.



PS: Today's member is Jedi Master J..

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Dude! You made an entry on the two best shows ever! Sweet!


I'm obsessing over LOST tonight. I mean, it's been off for 13 weeks. That's 1/4 of a year. A loooong time.


:D Yaaaaay LOST!


Heroes was good too. Claire's dad wasn't a shocker though. But for all of those people who thought Peter and Claire would get together... Well I'm not so sure they'll think the same way now.



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