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Early Withdrawal



Not everyone's made for college.


I don't know why I never thought of this until now. But it's true, you know? Many people have good and prosperous lives without having to go to a top notch school, get one, two, three plus degrees, be at the top of their academic field. Plus people have different minds and personalities. Some love the challenge college brings, while some can barely keep from buckling under the pressure.


It's weird to think about this now.


Cause I'm sitting at home, two weeks before my finals were supposed to start. I was administratively withdrawn from school for extended and dangerous health reasons.


It's not where I'd thought I'd be, and not the circumstances I expected. But it's a stress relief.


There's also a slowly-growing assurance that even though I was asked to leave school, it will be better for me in the long run.


I can have space and time to heal, focus on my artwork for once, and do my job here at BZP, too, imagine that! XD


It stings a little right now. I have a lot of friends asking about where I am, what happened, what they can do and if I can come back. (By the way, the answers to that are "home, they asked me to leave, pray, and no") I miss many of my closer friends. I missed what I was able to learn and have fun with. But I won't miss the school, and I won't miss the stress, and I won't miss the demands.


I am getting a well deserved break, whether I was wanting it or not. And I'm kinda glad.


My laptop hit a nasty bug of some sort so I also get to use my folks' old computer. The bulky keyboard is bringing back to the days of highschool when I first joined staff, even before then. It's so weird, and it's comforting in a way, too! Plus my laptop makes me think of homework, and homework is icky. >.<


Anyways, taking the evening to catch up on the reports that people have sent in over the last couple weeks. I feel at home. ^____^



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*big hugs*


That must have been a scary decision, but good things will come of it, I'm sure. I agree, not everyone needs college...my dad is a genius and has a PHD, but he's barely making money to support a family. Vise versa too--Bill Gates didn't finish college, look where he is now. So happy you're just chilling, enjoy that nostalgic feeling. <3


Remember you can call me or whatever if you need to chat, you deserve this break!

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I wouldn't be in my college either if it wasn't fun.


And out of nowhere the thought that the Chinese symbol for risk also means chance.

So, seize the chance.


Besides as an artist, if you know your stuff nobody will ask to see a degree later anyway.


*hug* :)

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