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The Lightened Shadows



The Lightened Shadows

Voxumo created an organization called the lightened shadows. It consists of members that are dedicated to keeping the worlds safe. The lightened shadows have an army ready for battle at a moments notice. The lightened shadows are based in haunu voxumo’s purple and black fortress. From there they have a storage area for tools artifacts etc. it also as a floor devoted to observation. The lightened shadows have created a series of robotic creations that fly through out matru, spherus magna and the Great Spirit robot surveying the lands all that the robots see and hear are broadcast on individual screens in haunu’s observation floor. The robots are disguised as mata-nui fishing birds. There is also another series that are aquatic that appear as reef raiders. The lightened shadows are led by voxumo and his council of artakha, helryx, certain turaga, mata-nui, tren krom (via a video device in tren kroms cave.)

The lightened shadows have no limitations on member ship except they cannot be a member of the brotherhood. Even if you do become a member it takes 10 years till you are officially a member for the 10 years you think you are a member but it is mainly a test because once you are officially accepted you learn all there is to know about the organization. The lightened shadows are not part of the order but voxumo, artakha, mata-nui and tren krom know about the order and helryx has given permission for the order to give assistance to the lightened shadows upon her discretion and voxumo’s request. But the order will do so with out revealing the orders existence to those that do not know of it. The lightened shadows are also more involved in the worlds than the order. They are known to settle disagreements between the separate matrus. They are also very devoted to the inhabitants of the elintari reality where as the order is devoted to more important issues. And they have formed a type of economy/government that encourages there to be one leader of that government but for other officials to take command of separate departments. Voxumo is the leader of the government because when the proposal for the formation of a government was revealed the inhabitants of Elintari minus the brotherhood the inhabitants voted for voxumo to be leader for life of the government. And voxumo accepted the position yet nominated 2 other beings to be the leaders for the government on spherus magna and the matoran universe. And the other two leaders are mata-nui for spherus magna and artahka for the matoran universe. Although all members of the government must report to voxumo before major decisions are determined.



voxumo the reality walker, leader

mata-nui, council member

tren krom, council member

artahka, council member

helryx, council member

certain turaga, council members

toa solek

toa nili



several other members


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