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July 1st



Still at work on the Atlas -- just finishing the chapter on Roodaka's island, which is my favorite part so far.


Got a nice surprise the other day -- BIONICLE Adventures novels in Russian! (At least, I think it was Russian -- we thought it might be Greek at first, but then someone told us no, it was Russian.)


Time to take a break from writing, play some World of Warcraft, and then take my wife up to the mall for some shopping. Tomorrow is more writing, Monday is another outing, and then Tuesday I have to revise the EXO-FORCE book. So keeping busy!


Couple of notes -- there is a BIONICLE co-promotion planned for the fall, more on that when I get it. And the big national BIONICLE promotion/contest gets announced in the July magazine and comic book, and starts in August. Not THAT clear on the details yet, but the prizing is pretty cool -- and different, not the same thing we always do.


Oh, and another question today -- what kind of BIONICLE content would you like to see in LEGO Magazine? Are there behind the scenes things you would like to know, or building tips, or anything like that? We have an opportunity to do some more substantial articles for the mag, so I would be interested in your opinions.




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sounds good greg! looking forward to exo-force books, they should be good, as for your question, i'd like to see stuff that happens behing the scens, to speak of! like how you (lego) go about designing a range like the inika, i'd also like to see more sneak peeks of new sets, it seems to go very quiet towards the end of a year, wat do you do? good luck for the sucsees of the inika!

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WoW :lol:, I'd get that game but it has monthly fees. Thank goodness Guild Wars doesn't. *hugs it*


Interesting stuff so far about all this, I can't wait....

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Wow Greg,great stuff coming!

Still at work on the Atlas -- just finishing the chapter on Roodaka's island, which is my favorite part so far.

Roodaka`s island is interesting,grass filled with acid and the mountain eating people,...

and then Tuesday I have to revise the EXO-FORCE book.

These Exo-Force books are going to be good.I hope they aren`t picture books like the Knights Kingdom ones...

Got a nice surprise the other day -- BIONICLE Adventures novels in Russian! (At least, I think it was Russian -- we thought it might be Greek at first, but then someone told us no, it was Russian.)

Just came out in Russian?I thought they were released at the same time as us the US.

And the big national BIONICLE promotion/contest gets announced in the July magazine and comic book, and starts in August. Not THAT clear on the details yet, but the prizing is pretty cool -- and different, not the same thing we always do

I have to enter this for sure,it is going to be awsome!

Are there behind the scenes things you would like to know, or building tips

Both would be good.




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Great! Things are moving along nicely. For the mag, I'd like to see an article on a story meeting. I remember you saying you guys argued a lot, and I'd like to see what other ideas popped up, and where the story cuold've gone.

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Although the Lego Mag isn't available to me, I think it'd be a good idea to add a few more behind-the-scenes articles, as well as a fan art page.

Also, for those production lines with storylines, a few short stories by your hand might be interesting, or possibly a preview from one of the novels.

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Oh, and another question today -- what kind of BIONICLE content would you like to see in LEGO Magazine? Are there behind the scenes things you would like to know, or building tips, or anything like that? We have an opportunity to do some more substantial articles for the mag, so I would be interested in your opinion

I like Schizo's ideas about fan art page and some GregF fics. As for behind-the-scenes, I've always wanted to know more about the mechanics of designing a new Bionicle set - especially how they come up with new parts, how they decide to integrate pieces into new sets, and so on.


Last year at BrickFest, LEGO's CEO mentioned they were working more towards a "system" of building with Bionicle, much like the more traditional LEGO system of building, where individual parts fit into a "grand scheme" rather than being one-off BURP type of pieces. I'd really like to know more about how that's going, and maybe even see a pic of an upcoming new cool part (outside of the set itself).


- Bink

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Can't wait for the atlas to come out! It's going to be an awesome book!


As for the question, I'd like to see:

>Building tips for characters in the story that don't have official sets (like Karzahni, or one of the Matoran that lives in Karzahni, or extra Voya Nui Matoran, or special Rahi.... etc.)

>Exclusive info that isn't anywhere else

>Maybe short stories about BIONICLE (the kind of short stories I'm talking about are like "Birth of a Dark Hunter," etc.)



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To answer your question, Greg, I would say that I would most like to see the set designers come up with Bionicle models of Rahi that made appearances in the novels but never had any images shown of them, like the Ice Bat or Lava Eel or Stone Rat. They wouldn't have to be too complex, maybe made out of smaller sets that have come out in that year. I think that would be pretty awesome. People would definitely go for it, I think. :)

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Great news, Can't wait for the promo info. ^_^



As for the Lego Mag stuff, It would be cool to have trivia and games. Maybe Two Pages of fun Bionicle Stuff, with a new tidbit of info.

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Well, as far as more Bionicle in the LEGO Mag, I would like to see more building instructions, short stories, mabye more contests. I know you wouldn't be able to get all of these things in there, but, hey, a guy can dream, can't he?

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That question I can not answer as I don't have the chance to get any Magazine at all ... (sigh) I'm just not living in the right country ... :(
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Hey, Greg!

I think that Building tips would be an awesome adittion. Maybe some Bionicle Trivia that people not on BZP may not know scattered throughout the magazines, like maybe up along the sides and such.


Stay awesome, greg!



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the contest sounds intriguing... can't wait to see what the prize is...


Oh, and another question today -- what kind of BIONICLE content would you like to see in LEGO Magazine? Are there behind the scenes things you would like to know, or building tips, or anything like that? We have an opportunity to do some more substantial articles for the mag, so I would be interested in your opinions.
hmm... i'm more interested in behind the scenes... or course, building tips are always good to see...

either or, doesn't really matter too much to me :shrugs:



thanks for the info greg ^_^

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I'd really like to know more about how that's going, and maybe even see a pic of an upcoming new cool part (outside of the set itself).
That would totally get creative juices going if MOCers saw a future piece not seen even on BZP: the ideas would flow the instant someone saw a single unique piece. It would also get people wondering what type of set would use such a piece. ^_^


Behind-the-scenes stuff and building tips would be most excellent... who better to give those tips than the set designers? :P


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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I'd like to see more prototypes to look out for.

Maybe some behind the scenes of making the Bionicle sets and characters.


I'd also like to be able to order some ol Bionicle from future lego magizines :D

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in the mag it would be nice to hear snippets of the bionicle legends book that is being released next,likeat the moment it is power play?

and maybe scraped story ideas?



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For the mag, Waspinator would like to see book characters that have no sets, like Crazo, varios Rahi, Dark Hunters (like Triglax), and others.

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Guest Ultimategamemaster


I would love to see more building tips. About Comic 3, will it be released as usual in this month's Lego Mag, or will it only be released at Comic-Con?
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Hopefully after these many attempts of entering these contests I can actually get lucky this time. As for the magazine, I would like to see building tips for various rahi that can be made from pieces from our collection instead of certain sets.

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Oh, and another question today -- what kind of BIONICLE content would you like to see in LEGO Magazine? Are there behind the scenes things you would like to know, or building tips, or anything like that? We have an opportunity to do some more substantial articles for the mag, so I would be interested in your opinions.

Behind the scenes stuff, definetly. :) Bulding tips are nice, but I like to see more about what goes on behind the closed doors. :P

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um for the mag I would like to see a page that shows prototype pages of piraka and inika so it could show like a before picture of the prototypes and an after of the final.

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To answer your question, Greg, I would say that I would most like to see the set designers come up with Bionicle models of Rahi that made appearances in the novels but never had any images shown of them, like the Ice Bat or Lava Eel or Stone Rat. They wouldn't have to be too complex, maybe made out of smaller sets that have come out in that year. I think that would be pretty awesome. People would definitely go for it, I think. :)


I agree. If I had a choice, more elaboration on the Organizations, the OoMN, BoM, and DHs. I don't have the DH guide, so I wouldn't know if Lariska had a pic, but if she does not, I'd love to see that.




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