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Finally Watched Hero Factory



It wasn't bad. Could've been worst. Could've been better.


Oh, I suppose I should put this in spoiler tags...


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The story lines were basic enough. The Hero characters were kinda plain. Stormer and Furno were okay... although still a little off at times, and it was a shame that the others hardly had much limelight. It was always Stormer this, Furno that. Some of the support tech bots had better characterization than Breeze, Surge, Bulk, and Stringer. Just saying.


BUT. Man, the fights were good. Now, I was blown away by the Glatorian fights in TLR. Like, the figures actually had swords that they clanged together! Big step for Lego! But Hero Factory did take it to another level. Specifically, I enjoyed the Stormer vs Xplode fight in the first episode and the jetpack fight in the third. And besides the fights, the villains were remarkable, especially Xplode and Corroder. The final fight with all four of them in the end could've been epic. It wasn't, but at least the villains had an epic entrance. XD.


So, it exceeded my expectations for a Lego movie / TV series. But, as I said, the characters were a little thin, and the attempts at humor were rather painful at times. If you were into The Legend Reborn, this would probably work for you. If you have decided to hate Hero Factory with all your life force... then I probably won't be able to convince you to watch it anyway. :P




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I want someone to create that flashback robot as a MOC. That was pretty cool.


But seriously, it made TLR look good in comparison. And that's pretty hard.



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I want someone to create that flashback robot as a MOC. That was pretty cool.


But seriously, it made TLR look good in comparison. And that's pretty hard.




Someone did; it was the winner of a contest LEGO had.

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I want someone to create that flashback robot as a MOC. That was pretty cool.


But seriously, it made TLR look good in comparison. And that's pretty hard.


Someone did; it was the winner of a contest LEGO had.


Haha, alright, found it. Shows how out of the loop I am. That's pretty awesome, that contest was so long ago too, they'd be planning it for a while.



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Best part was Meltdown with the Stewie Griffin voice. That made me laugh. I loved it.
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