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All six Turaga with all the pieces and instructions for $15 USD? Someone got lucky on eBay that day. (The auction is over, sadly)


What topics should I talk about for (Explosion) Wednesday News? BZP stuff? Other things? I dunno.


Not that I really made (Explosion) Wednesday news a thing.


So I've been sick for a month, that's been fun, I got addicted to a game that I can't say because the website has forums (A certain mining game, you know the one), started my wearing of the Santa hat non-stop until Christmas tradition, bought myself a new iPod after my old one got cracked in February-ish.


Also, +10 Awesome points to anyone who can solve this math equation: Find all solutions of X: 4X² + 8X + 3


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On a normal day, I would use the FOIL technique on that polynomial function, but I did way too many on my college entrance exam recently. So I'll be lazy. :)
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It's a Quadratic equation and you can't solve it by factoring, gimme a sec.



Gah, it has to equal x? I can't do that.


Hint, assume that it equals zero.


4X² + 8X + 3 = 0

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Oh, in that case, yes. Quadratic all the way. (I had no way of knowing what it equaled, lol)


Quadratic equation is: Negative B plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4AC, divided by 2A.


-8 ± √( (8)2 - 4(4)(3) )




4*4*3 = 48. 8 squared is 64. 64-48 = 16, leaving


-8 ± √(16)




The square root of 16 is 4, leaving


-8 ± 4




-8 + 4 is 4, divided by 8 is .5.


-8 - 4 = 12, divided by 8 is 1.5.


Am I close? :)

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Oh, in that case, yes. Quadratic all the way. (I had no way of knowing what it equaled, lol)


Quadratic equation is: Negative B plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4AC, divided by 2A.


-8 ± √( (8)2 - 4(4)(3) )




4*4*3 = 48. 8 squared is 64. 64-48 = 16, leaving


-8 ± √(16)




The square root of 16 is 4, leaving


-8 ± 4




-8 + 4 is 4, divided by 8 is .5.


-8 - 4 = 12, divided by 8 is 1.5.


Am I close? :)


Close, except that -8 + 4 = -4, divided by 8 is -.5, and -8 - 4 = -12, divided by 8 = -1.5.


Other then that, it was right.


And I learned it this way:


4X² + 8X + 3 = 0 is:


(2X+1)(2X+3) = 0


(2X+1) = 0

X = -.5


(2X+3) = 0


X = -1.5


Then it's just a matter of checking the above equation with the two values of X.


This method is just FOIL factoring the equation, which takes some trial and error, I like the method you used, I can't quite describe it, I tried to, but I ended up not making any sense. =P

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