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Problem With Verizon



That's not something you hear very often. Usually, people that have Verizon love it (and people that don't sometimes do as well, but this isn't an entry about phone service). But I am a little irked right now.


I am due for a new phone soon, which is good because my EnV2's front "OK" button stopped working in August or September. Unfortunately all the good phones require a data plan, usually at least $15/month but the $30/mo unlimited data package is the best deal. There's no way I feel like paying $15 or $30 a month, even with my job.


But seriously, all the phones that don't require a data plan stink. They either look terrible, are a touch screen with virtual QWERTY keyboard, or just stink. I have settled for an LG Octane, most likely, though I would love to find a good deal on Amazon or somewhere for an EnV3, though unlikely.


Point being: I want the LG Ally but that requires a data plan. Heck, I would love the EnV3 or the Samsung Reality, but both are off the market and required plans. Simple phones and they required plans.


I'm all for making money and having good marketing schemes, but it's almost leaving customers without much choice. And sometimes it doesn't make sense if the phone wouldn't really surf the web well anyway.


-CF :kakama:


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It frustrates me too. I'm on Verizon as well and had the same problem when I got my new phone. I eventually got a Casio, which is nice, but I much prefer smart phones--but making you have a data plan stinks, because I don't really want all that fancy stuff, just the smart phones are better in quality.

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Yes, I noticed that trap when I was looking for a new phone this summer. See, I wanted a data plan, but the phone I was eyeing required unlimited data plan... so I ended up going for one with just the limited one. (It was only $10 a month for me, but I'm also on a family plan, so...)


But yeah, they do try to sneak that charge in on ya. I guess it's better than AT&T, but if you were looking to switch carriers, I'd go with US Cellular, if it covers your area. [/shameless plug]


On the other hand... a phones a phone. If it can make and recieve calls, does it really need to do more?



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The phones I was looking at required a $10/mo data plan until about last month, when it suddenly went up to $15. I could handle $10, I have a job now, but $15 is just asking too much.

I would also have to be careful about not going over the data limit. I'd be much better off with an iPod Touch in that case, except be limited to wifi areas. (I know I said I got one from a friend a while back, but long story short he needed to borrow it, so who was I to refuse?)


As far as a phone being a phone, I like a full QWERTY keyboard, a good camera (for my journalism efforts where I forget my real camera but phone quality will be ok), and a music player is always nice. I was looking at one phone with 1.3 megapixels. Sheesh, get with the times. Nothing goes below 3 anymore, and they usually have 5. (One even had 8!)



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