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Weekly Update - 12/10

Black Six



The holiday season is in full swing. I would love this time of year if I was in Australia, where it's warm. But since I'm not - here's a weekly update.



Let's start things off with a shameless plug: RPG Contest 20 is underway. If you like controlling other people as an all-powerful GM, go enter. Or if you're a nice person who likes to cooperate with people as a benevolent GM you should enter too. If you have no interest in being a GM, you should read all the entries so you're ready to vote!


Sisen reviewed Breez 2.0! More Hero Factory 2.0 (and hopefully other) reviews to come! Hope you enjoy this early look!


Speaking of next year's Hero Factory sets, the Hero Factory website was updated this past week to show off the upcoming heroes and villains, along with a bunch of other cool content. If that wasn't enough for you, the Pharaoh's Quest website was updated too - LEGO looks like they're doing some great things with next years' themes. I can't wait to get a closer look at them all.


And of course, can't talk about 2011 without mentioning the Pirates of the Caribbean sets. I'm glad LEGO is making good use of their partnership with Disney.


Bunch of things I hope to do this weekend - post the list of recommended builders selected so far and post the list of Ambassadors. Maybe I'll get some other things done to. What would you like to see get done?



No Mailbag love this week.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Enjoy your weekend and your holidays everyone. Questions, comments, and feedback are always welcome!

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