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More Electricity Usage... Hurrah.



Here I am, updating from my Computer Fun class.


My favorite four Batman villains, and possibly favorite four comic book villains, would be Joker, Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, and Two-Face. All four of them are great characters, who had great portrayals in the Batman animated series and the DC animated universe as a whole. Mr. Freeze was reinvented from a gimmick villain into a tragic one, Joker and Two-Face got great backstories and were wonderfully portrayed, and Scarecrow was downright awesome. One of my favorite Batman Beyond episodes is the one in which Mr. Freeze is kind of resurrected in a new body... It's just so tragic and gripping. The Batman-by-name-only can't get that sort of reality around it's characters.


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Mm...that Batman Beyond. It was cool enough,w ith a bit of corny Banter...I've never much cared for Beyond Anyway.


If I were writing, I'd just make it that Freeze is dying of Frostbite and becomes Gotham's Jack the Ripper, catching people and taking their Organs for his own.

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I can't limit myself to four favorites: Scarecrow, Joker, Harley Quinn, Penguin, Ventirloquist and Scarface, Two Face, and Mr Freeze...............Why did The Batman hafta make Freez an ice zombie?

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Gah... I knew I was forgetting somebody, Harley Quinn's one of the best characters in comics, seriously. If she wasn't, she wouldn't have been adapted from Batman: The Animated Series.

Because the morons at Kid's WB are out to destroy the childhood memories of anybody who liked B:TAS, BK...

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