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Decisions, Decisions...



So I'm finally putting my money towards something useful. I have about $110 so far, and I'll probably get more for christmas. So I was thinking I should actually save up and get something really nice for myself.


So, Here's the deal:


Option #1 - A Macbook Pro laptop computer. I love Mac computers, and mine (as awesome as it is) is a bit old and half dead. The Macbooks have more power than the iMac I have now, and with a bunch of new programs (I could use iMovie again. This computer can't handle it anymore). Also, Garageband would run alot faster, and I could make my album better. Plus it would be a laptop, so I could take it places and not be locked in my room while the day slips away. I'd sell my current computer too, hopefully getting about $300-$500 for it.


Option #2 - A bass Guitar. And not just any bass guitar, THIS bass guitar. It's a BC Rich WMD 5-string Widow Bass. It's not a very common model, but all the reviews I've read have been 100% positive. Only thing one person said was that it was neck-heavy, but that can be fixed by adjusting the strap placement. I'm not a bass player, but I've been having an indescribably urge to learn. And it can't be too different from guitar. Besides, you gotta' start somewhere. I'd need an amp too, but I don't really know what passes as an acceptable amp in the bass world. So this thing costs $700 (with a custom-fitted case) on ebay, plus maybe $150 for an amp. I could sell my fender stratocaster for probably $1000-$1500, so that's all good.


But my dad thinks I should go for the computer, I really want both, my sister says they're both stupid, and my mom says "maybe you'll know when the time comes" which is uber helpful.


Although, if I got top price for my computer, my strat, and my strat knock-off, I could maybe afford both. I dunno.


Any thoughts from you guys?




Recommended Comments

I'd go with the Macbook. Just because a new computer would be awesome. (And I'm saving up for one... But I only have 45$ so far :P ) My two cents. :P

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