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Non-holiday Related Loot



I don't celebrate Christmas in the least, but I guess it's worth mentioning that I got a new computer a couple days ago. It's a shiny new 13" 2.66 GHz MacBook Pro. Good bye you dumb Gateway PC laptop! =D


I also got myself a Nerf Stampede. Pretty impressive piece of Nerf technology. =3




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My brother got the Stampede.


Range sucks (like the worst I've seen ever). And because the rangr sucks so much, the accuracy is terrible.


I love the shape though. Reminds me of an SL-8. Also SCAR-style foregrip/bipod is epic.

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Really, with the Stampede, the point isn't range as much as it is filling your enemy with foam. And accurate is sadly a side effect with the clip system darts. But putting those darts in a Maverick provides, like, superduper range (but alas, poor accuracy). But accuracy can easily be put aside instead of pure power and range. A Stampede with a Maverick sidearm (with clip system darts) makes a pretty good scattergun combo.



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It's kinda hard to say. I'm not entirely sure where my faith lies, but all I can say is that nowhere in any religious text does it say to celebrate Jesus' birth, thus we don't do it. Add that on top of the list of facts ranging from December 25th being a pagan holiday and the commercialization of the holiday anyway and a bunch of other reasons, we don't celebrate it and I don't care for it one bit. :P



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