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Watashi Wa


Hello, fellow bloggers. I haven't updated in a while, mostly because I've been incredibly busy with finals and, more recently, holiday activities, but for the next two weeks I am completely free.


I hope all you guys' holiday festivities were joyous and merry, just as mine were. Christmas Eve was spent at my sisters' house and included our now annual family gift swap. This year, my brother-in-law drew my name and decided to purchase Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban, The Goblet of Fire, and the Half-Blood Prince all in paper back to add to my collection. Looks like I've got some reading to do this break.


Christmas Day, I opened my few remaining gifts. From my second older sister I got Inception on Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy. Interestingly enough, it came with a copy of the shooting script. Hopefully that will provide some insight into the mind of Christopher Nolan as he shot this amazing movie. Next, I got a Finn the Human key-cover as well as a Jake the Dog key-cover from my younger sister. If you know what those two characters are from, good on you. :) (For anyone interested, this is a picture of me as Finn the human for Halloween. )


My 'big' Christmas present from my mom and step-dad was the new Xbox360 S. I knew what I was getting, so it wasn't much of a surprise. I am, however, still extremely thankful. I went to plug it in to migrate some saved games from my old Xbox to my newer, better Xbox and unfortunately...the new Xbox was broken out of the box. It wasn't the fabled RROD, but rather, to the best of my technological knowledge, something was wrong with the video card in the Xbox. I could turn on the Xbox and it would be fine for about 5 seconds before it would freeze and the green light would turn red. This happened whether I used the composite cable or my HDMI cable. I also tried on my own personal TV and the family TV upstairs. So, we packed it back up and sent it back to Amazon yesterday. With Amazon's great customer service, I got the replacement 360 today. I hooked it up and everything works fine and I am now in the process of updating it and migrating all of my data.


Yesterday, me and my sisters went to our dad's house to spend time with him and his family. The food was good, and much to my surprise, the presents were pretty good too. I was gifted a $50 gift card to Best Buy, $25 from one of my aunts, and $25 from my grandparents. Not too shabby.


So, to recap:

  1. Xbox360 S
  2. Adventure Time key-covers
  3. Inception Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy
  4. $50 Best Buy Gift Card
  5. $50 cash

Now, for the next two weeks, I just plan on resting and catching up on some of the games I've been meaning to play. Currently, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Halo: Reach are taking up most of my time. At some point I'd like to get into Fable and Dragon Age. I also want to keep reading The Chamber of Secrets. Geez, these two weeks are going to fly by! Maybe I can even put up the rest of my Bionicle collection for sale...


Well, hope you guys had as great a Christmas as I did! 2011 is just around the corner!

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