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A.c.t. Test Day



Yep, I finished about 5 hours ago now.


It was actually easier than I thought it would be. Although there was stuff on there I have never seen before in my life, it was alright. I wasn't worried about the test because I have much more time to get a better score. I got like two and a half years to go. I can make a good grade by then, right?


I did the writing portion. That was evil! I wrote three pages on a subject on which I'm not supposed to say. It's not breaking the rules on BZP, but by the rules of the ACT test. The rule is that I cannot say what subjects were on it. Besides, I believe the topic changes with every ACT test. But, wow. I didn't know that I knew the words I wrote down. I reviewed my paper, and it actually made sense. I got to use all the persons I couldn't use on a school paper (i.e.-he, she, and I. Except you, why would you be telling the scorer something? :P ).


Anyway, my brain is fried for today. I slept when I got back from the test, but I first had some Cane's chicken strips :D . I seriously feel I did great on it, for my grade level anyway. I mean, I haven't taken Trig or Calculus, but you get the picture. Well, the results will come back in 4-7 weeks.


By the way, if you remember me telling you about the PLAN test, we got our results back from that just a few days ago. It said I should work in construction XD . No offense to those who do, but I'm not construction material. Anyway, it said my best subject was Social Science. It said I got a 27 for the Science test on the PLAN test, but the results for everyone was messed up badly. The smartest person in my class, it's only my opinion though, got a 20 on it. She's a heck of alot smarter than that. I got an 18 :P . Anyway, I don't give much credit to those kind of tests.


I'm just glad all of this testing is out of the way for a long time :wakeup2: .


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