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Lemon Club Challenge



- Lemon Club Challenge -


I thought we might as well have a bit of lemon-based fun, having a Lemon Club and all. Your challenge is to...


Make a Toa of Lemons.


This can be a MOC, a drawing, a sculpture, a 3D rendered image, a Lemon carved into a Toa - anything you like. To enter, post a pic of your entry in the comments for this blog entry. There are no colour restrictions (though Lemons usually are yellow), no size limits. However you interpret it is fine.


Entries will stop being accepted on the 25th February.


This is simply a chance to show your creative skills, but Bundalings and I might chose one we like the most, and give them a banner, or something. I haven't decided yet.


Any member of the Lemon Club can take part. If you aren't a member, you can join by posting in this Blog entry.


Good luck.




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That sounds great -Aero-, a great idea I gotta say. I might give it a shot . . . is it colour-restricted?


Nope, no colour restrictions.




Well thats good to know

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I might enter...but I'm not a very good artist.

Oh no! Ellipses!


You don't have to be a good artist. You could draw a mask on a Lemon, or even stick a mask on a Lemon with glue. Anything that you think represents a Toa of Lemons.




Oh. Well that increases the chances, but I probably won't.

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I don't know if I should enter or judge. I guess I'll see what I can come up with, and if it's no good I'll just judge. Good luck peoples!


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I might enter. If I do, I'll definitely make a MOC. It CAN be keetorange because there's no colour restrictions but it mocks the beauty of pure lemon yellow. Or green. It can be green. Maybe even pink-did I just type that? Anyways, so yeah. But are there any prizes??




Toa Vahkshi of ElEcTrIcItY


Prizes? You want prizes, other than the satisfaction and gloating rights of winning?


There might be prizes. It depends how good the winning entry is. ;)



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I'm entering. After all, if I don't I'd upset the great lemons!




P.S. They should add the Lemon Smiley to the Official List.

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Wow. My MOC is looking good. Oh, and if you're confused about my identity, I used to be Toa Vahkshi of ElEcTrIcItY. Banner...





Typhlok the Annoyer





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He he, I'll take on this challenge and make a itty bitty fiddle little toa of lemons. It'll be the smallest one I bet :D

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Here's my entry:


IPB Image


Limona, Toa of Lemons


Limona is among the sweetest of all Toa, although she, too, has a sour side :P . She wears the Kanohi Reemana, Mask of Citrus, which allows her to have even greater control over her mystical lemon powers, and carries the Staff of Lemons, with which she can produce delicious lemonade or, if she pleases, whole lemons.


Here's the topic


Enjoy! :)


- :vahi:

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I've made the teeniest Toa of Lemons! Here he is in all his lemony glory! Click the thunbnails to enlarge them!


IPB Image


I also made a keychain tag to go with it! Go Lemon Club!


IPB Image

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BBC 40.5: Lemon Juice!


Yayzerz! I'm done! Now I'll go through the hassle of taking pics...


~ :s: :u: :m: :i: ~


i't not realy bbc because you can enter art too. The deadline is creaping up I wonder if any more mocs will enter, come on shine!





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IPB Image



Citro: Toa of Lemons

On the island of Frutu-Nui, there are toa with very strange elements, normally fruits. Citro is one of them, the toa of lemons. He can create lemons from thin air, grow lemon trees, and shot concentrated lemon juice. He also uses his lemon hammer to smash enemys or squish lemons. His mask is the kanohi Lima, the mask of juice, he can use it to create juices, delious or deadly. He is a normally quiet toa, and comes to quick conclusions. HE is very strong but still is kind on the inside, but if you mess with him, he may become quite sour. The pale spot on his center represents the seed of a lemon.



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