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Yay What Was I Dreaming About?



First I dreamed I was Lewa, trying to find something. I was chasing after something relentlessly, and I was doing all these air tricks to try and catch up... It was so weird... Then I was with a bunch of people or something and I was talking to this guy and he left the room for some reason and his wife/significant other called and it was for him, but she didn't believe me that I wasn't her husband/significant other, so I had to fake along. Then the guy came back after the call was done and I think we argued. Over what I'm not certain. The place was in this sort of dream world, it was very odd. Then I was a minor character I'd created from the Dead RPG (I forget who it was) and I'd been fired by the pointy haired boss from Dilbert or something, and I was going around in this weird sloping-halled building, and a voice in my head told me to prove my worth so I sat down in some room and took notes or whatever about some sort of event, and then I was running through these weird sloped halls, trying to find something, and I was writing out a post in the Dead RPG in my head and I realized something and changed a lot of it and... Well it wasn't very unusual, I have dreams like that all the time...


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I'm going to try to help you on this one.


First I dreamed I was Lewa, trying to find something. I was chasing after something relentlessly, and I was doing all these air tricks to try and catch up... It was so weird...


This could have two solutions. The most obvious is that you're trying to attain a goal and you're using all of your resources to get it. Your being Lewa is identifying with one of the heroes most like you, wanting to be him.


However, Freud claims that a dream about flying is actually a dream about having sex, so I might be wrong.


Then I was with a bunch of people or something and I was talking to this guy and he left the room for some reason and his wife/significant other called and it was for him, but she didn't believe me that I wasn't her husband/significant other, so I had to fake along. Then the guy came back after the call was done and I think we argued. Over what I'm not certain. The place was in this sort of dream world, it was very odd.


Your subconscious is weighed down by worries that you're not being yourself, you're pretending to be someone else - and that the person you're pretending to be doesn't like you for it.


Freud claimed that a young man will try to emulate his Father due to his subconscious fear that his Father would kill him for liking his Mother, perhaps explaining botht he fact that you pretend to be the guy when you're ont he phone, and once you've finished he attacks you.


Then I was a minor character I'd created from the Dead RPG (I forget who it was) and I'd been fired by the pointy haired boss from Dilbert or something, and I was going around in this weird sloping-halled building, and a voice in my head told me to prove my worth so I sat down in some room and took notes or whatever about some sort of event, and then I was running through these weird sloped halls, trying to find something, and I was writing out a post in the Dead RPG in my head and I realized something and changed a lot of it and... Well it wasn't very unusual, I have dreams like that all the time...


Your self-image is being sent on twists and turn here. The 'Boss' equals your idea of business and work and you're afraid that your image will be destroyed by it, the Minor character is your idea of Fantasy and the fact that it's a minor character emphasizes your disbelief in your self-image, even in Fantasy. The 'Prove your worth' thing is yet more Doubting of your self, and taking notes is a symbol of your way of coping int he physical world: studying hard. Then, you're again searching for your self-image, and then returning to Fantasy to distract yourself from that Search.


FInally, your brain realises it's time to wake up and shuts down the dream.


All of this adds up to one thing...YOU'RE COMPLETELY INSANE! AND SO AM I! RUUUUUUUUN!


But seriously, man - take it easy! You're obviously under a lot fo pressure and you aren't eblieveing in your own self. Relax and do something constructive.

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Congratulations I've lost all doubts that you hold a degree in Quackology, Doctor Beliwa. Seriously, though, there are a ton of details in the dream that I forgot, therefore the interpretation is likely incorrect in most parts. And one more thing, that guy wasn't my father, I remember that.
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