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Pokemon Sun and Moon and the Assassin's Creed Movie Trailer

Toa Smoke Monster


So a couple new trailers have come out over the last couple of days. One is a trailer for the upcoming Pokemon Sun and Moon games released on last Tuesday, while the other is the Assassin's Creed movie trailer which was released just last night. Since I don't want to make two separate entries on them, I thought I'd post what I think of both in one entry.


Let's start with the Pokemon Trailer, which is right here:



First off, I think that's its really cool that the region has a tropical setting. It really helps it stand out from the previous games. Both of the Legendary Pokemon look great too. I don't think their names have been revealed yet though. (Feel free to correct me on that if they have been.) I like the lion legendary a little more than the bat one, but both are still cool IMO.


But the biggest reveal of the trailer, as all of you probably know by now, is the reveal of the starter Pokemon Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. I can't decide if Rowlet or Litten is my favorite. On the one hand, Rowlet looks so cute and I bet its types will be useful in the game. On the other, Litten just looks cool. I really like its color scheme of red and black, and me being a cat person kind of makes me like it even more. :P I don't know which one I'll pick when the games are released.


As for Popplio, I have nothing against it. It looks cool enough. But it just doesn't interest me like the other two do. Though that is kind of a thing with me. I've always preferred the grass or fire starters over the water one in all of the Pokemon games I've played, and the same thing goes for me on this one too. But I'm sure it will still be a good choice for a starting Pokemon for those who want to use it.


Now for the Assassin's Creed trailer, which is right here:



While I've never played any of the games from the series, I have watched playthroughs of the first three games on Youtube, plus I'm currently watching one now on Revelations. So I know the basics of the story of this series. (At least up to the point of those games.) It looks like the movie is using the same story format as the first game, which is a given I guess. I'm not sure if Michael Fassbender is playing Desmond from the games or if he is a brand new character, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was playing the former.


Regardless, he certainly looks the part of an assassin. He looks great in the robes. In fact, the whole era of the Spanish Inquisition shown in the trailer looks really good. I especially like the end of it, where they show our hero performing the infamous leap of faith off of a building. That was a neat way to end the trailer.


If I were to mention one problem I have with the trailer, it is the choice of music that plays around the one minute mark of it. AKA the Kanye West song 'I am a God.' (I think that's the name of it.) Opinions on the song aside, I just don't think that this song works with the trailer at all. They just don't go together IMO. There had to have been other songs they could've used instead of that one. I'm not sure what they would've been, but they have to been something better they could've used here.


Overall, I enjoyed the trailer, musical choices aside. I'm not sure if I'll see this movie, but I have to December to figure out if I will.


So what do you guys think of these trailers? Which starter Pokemon will you choose? And will you see the Assassin's Creed movie when it comes out?


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I am more surprised that there is an Assassin's Creed movie instead of a Deus Ex one. I've played the games up until mid-Revelations so Ill give it a shot. My brother is a AC fanatics so I know that I am going to be dragged to it. Lets hope yet another video game movie does not make it to the list of worst movies ever. Cheers.

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I've never played an Assassin's Creed game, but I'm excited to see the movie due to the talent involved. Despite that, the trailer did very little to excite me. Here's hoping it's a case of 'bad trailer, good movie.'

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