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I got accepted to my college! My up-on-a-pedestal, I-really-want-to-go-there college!






I've only got one other person I know going there (none of my best friends, which is a bummer), but for what I've seen of this school, it'll be alright. It's a larger school - about 3,000 students on a 400-acre campus. The academics are amazing, mostly in business, engineering, forensics and debate (their debate team is amazing to watch, holy cow), but their fine arts program is certainly not shabby (Theatre Day knocked my socks off - the Dramatic Arts professors were so much fun to work with).


Plus I know I'm already eligible for several scholarships, which is always a good thing. =D


So yay, there's one thing checked off of my list of majorly stressful things to do this year. :happydance:


*is happy*


Now I just need to graduate so I can get up and go there in the fall. :P




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Congrats! I am also wondering what college?


Um, 3000 students large? That's small IMO. Not as small as one college I saw with 400 students, but I'm calling over 10 or 15 thousand large.

I guess it's just your preference, but I think you'll do fine with that number of classmates.


(Ug, I have to deal with this myself right now. The worst part is everybody asking you about your college plans)



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It's Cedarville University. Google is your friend into finding more.


Um, 3000 students large? That's small IMO. Not as small as one college I saw with 400 students, but I'm calling over 10 or 15 thousand large.

I guess it's just your preference, but I think you'll do fine with that number of classmates.


It's one of the larger ones I've looked at, other than the state university. Most of the other colleges I've seen are the ones with only 500-800 students - not very large at all - so seeing Cedarville is like moving from a puddle to a swimming pool.


My state university is like a country all in itself - it's craaaazy big. @____@



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You're not going to The Ohio State University?


Aw, and us LSU fans (right Lady K? :P) were looking forward to embarrassing your football team.





Na. The campus is so huge, I get lost just looking at it. :lol:


And bah, I'm not a big Buckeye fan anyways (I root for the Gophers, even though they totally reek). My dad and I were actually celebrating when they lost against Illinois, although half the people in our church would probably come and burn our house down if they knew that. :lookaround:


College football will be the death of us all, I tell you.



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The thing about being conscripted into then bloody Singaporean military is that you don;'t really care to much about applying to your own college...


But yeah, congrats on your acception. ^^



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