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Art Mistakes Are Not Cool.

Lady Kopaka


NOT AT ALL. :burnmad:


As much as I was hoping December would be a good month, it's shaping to be pretty rough. Ignoring dumb reality issues, I completely ruined a drawing by accident, got so frustrated with trying to repair it a moment ago, I give up. So here's a drawing of (unfinished) HB Glatorians...yeah, I still do that thing.


Yay link~

Testing with styles...sorry, I'm still kind of unfamiliar with the characters this year.


I'm losing motivation for everything. *nibbles on chocolate in a corner while watching GitS*


EDIT: just a quick note...the topic for the Glitch in the System Audiobook is now posted!


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You hit Kiina and Vastus juuuuuust right. The others too, probably, but I'm also pretty unfamiliar with the Glatorian's characters. :P


And is it just me or do Tarix and Gelu have sweet 'staches? B)



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Awesome job on that art. You've worked out who's who pretty well, I'd say--Kiina is totally in character. I still wish I could draw as well as you. :P


And don't get down about this month already--Christmas and some other cool things are happening in the next few days, so hopefully December won't be too bad for you. ;)

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The moment I looked at these pictures, I was like "Hey, that looks like Kiina!"


I didn't know that these were supposed to be Glatorian, but I knew it was her anyway. You captured her perfectly.


And I love Terix's 'stache. :drooling:

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Tarix is B)


Also, might just be me, but I think Ackar and Vastus could stand to look just a little older. =\


Although Ackar's face looks kinda beaten so it's all good

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I know the feeling; I can't count how many times an otherwise perfect take is ruined by a careless error. Best of luck managing to salvage the drawing Lady K, losing something to a careless mistake always stinks.


On the bright side though, the Glatorian drawings look excellent as usual, if not a little better than your previous artwork to me; you can tell that you put a lot of detail into them, and the facial expressions look natural and believable without being over-the-top. ^_^

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Tarix looks so... French. I love it.

Same here. Don't know why he always struck me as French, but he has.


Gresh is also very awesome. You know, boyish, but still mature. Ackar and Kiina also do a good job of expressing their personalities.


Hope your December shapes up. I'm having my own frustrations right now what with the end of this college semester rearing its ugly head.

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These HB Glatorians are AMAZING. You've really improved, LK!


Motivation, hmmm. I think it's most important to just believe in yourself and not let circumstances get to you. If you're feeling unmotivated, seek to understand why you feel that way. If there's no apparent reason, then I'd encourage you to just keep going. Of course, there can be real reasons to feel unmotivated, and if you have them, then it's best to deal with them head-on. Avoidance of issues never got me anywhere, personally. And by all means, if you feel you really need to take a break from something, do it.


*Goes to find own motivation to finish a translation job for his cousin.*



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Your categories picture is aaaaawesome. <3




On a note that's actually related to the entry...


My favorite is Gresh. That's exactly how I imagine he would look as a human. All young and guyish and... I can't explain it. He just has that indescribable green Toa look.


Also, I have to say that I love Tarix's hair texture. 8D




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I don't know where the mistake was or how you tried to fix it, but I believe that these drawings are great!


Kiina: I liked how you shaded her face so that it doesn't feel flat. Also, that armor looks like it could actually work.


Tarix: I'm never sure how to add a mustchae, but you did a good job of it. Also, the frizzy/curly hair is a nice touch.


Gelu: As a drawing it is fine, but for the character it's a little off... but I seldom saw him in the story, so I can't go further.


Gresh: Great choice of hair style, but there's nothing about the drawing that truly says that this is the character shown.


Ackar: This feels perfect. The markings on his face really make him appear an arena veteran. I have two questions about this part, though. 1: Is that an earring? 2: What is the armor on the neck?


Vastus: As with Gelu, I don't know much about him; but Vastus appeared in TLR. This feels like a face that would have the same voice. Nice detail in the armor.


Hope your month turns for the better!



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Oh wow, thank you everyone! I forget that posting art here really encourages me...I'd love to redraw these guys, and not screw up the image this time lulz.


To the people who didn't 'feel' the character, just some notes:

1) The image got messed up--I noticed some of the less popular ones (Gresh, Gelu) were the ones I worked on the least and didn't get into details.

2) Haven't seen TLR yet, nor read any books/comics. Which is usually what really inspires me to click into their character.


Again, thank you all for the comments. <3 If I ever plan to redraw these guys, you all have any suggestions?

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Oh my, Incredible! You really didn't screw up, honest.


Gresh is by far my favorite. I personally believe you did capture his character VERY well, not a character I would change. Same with Tarix and Vastus and Kiina. Masterful job with them. My only complaint with Ackar is he looks a bit younger than he should. It's still amazing.

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