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Year 18

About EU-04

  • Birthday 03/13/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Buckeye state's Western border.
  • Interests
    Anime:<br />Is lame. <br /><br />TV:<br /><br />I currently love "Stargate SG-1" and "Star Trek: Enterprise". Captain Archer FTW. Since SG-1 was canceled, I have been watching "Stargate Atlantis". At least Colonel Carter is there. I also like "Pushing Daisies" and "Eureka".<br /><br />Video Games:<br /><br />Currently Playing: Bioshock, Jericho, Portal, AoEIII: The Asian Dynasties and Call of Duty 4. I'm currently looking foward to Fallout 3, and Dead Space. Moderately excited about Rock Band. Really looking forward to Halo Wars and Starcraft 2 (duh). I need to play with the Thor and Banshees already! And what happens to Raaaaaaaynoooooor!?<br /><br />Books:<br /><br />Currently Reading: The Discworld Series,<br />My favorite book would be Fahrenheit 451. I'm all done with AP English reading lists, and I just ordered a few of the Discworld books from the Library.<br /><br />Music: <br /><br />Classic Rock is all I listen to. Beatles, Guns and Roses, and Aerosmith. My favorite song is either "Man on the Silver Mountain" by Kansas or "Have you ever seen the rain?" By Clearwater Creedance Revival. And "Dirty Deeds" by AC-DC. Also, the Beatles' White album = Awesome.<br /><br />Personality: <br /><br />Let's just say. I'm smart... But I'm not a pleasent person.<br /><br />Role-Playing:<br /><br /> The BZPRPG and a few other sites, including my own. I also play Modern D&D, primarily as a Soldier. Cyborg Soldier.

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  1. Ah EU, you were a cool guy.

  2. Why'd you insult pixie dust? ;_;

  3. EU-04

    Actually, TPTI, the line is from the Bible and various other places. A chick gets possessed by awhole lotta demons, and calls herself Legion.

  4. Nid

    I never said I was stopping you. Unleash your unbridled rage. *pulls out camcorder*

  5. Me no care! Hark, I must kill!

  6. Nid

    Grrrr. I know. But it'll be back. Remember how long it was off last time?

  7. I DESTROY THE MODS NOW! They disabled the PM system because they cannot do an effective job of moderating? Wow.

  8. Nid

    *Gilty Spork makes a Scorpian tank, turns into Nid, and starts blasting everyone but EU*


  9. Aroo? Haxors in my game?

    *Boots Shark, then goes into forge mode and builds fort*

  10. Nid

    *throws a fusion core at Shark and hums in the most annying way possible as he flies across the map like some sort of satanic pinata*

  11. *respawns*

    *Grabs Spartan Laser.*

    *hacks game to have infinite ammo for myself*


    *keep shooting Gilty Sport*

    *laser sound effects*

  12. EU-04

    Profile Browsers

    I know I do it when I see an "intruder" in the RPG forum, or an interesting name. Then I check their recent posts. I do it mostly for BZPRPG recruitment, however. I've never PMed anyone yet though. Mostly I'm too shy, or NO ONE IS GOOD ENOUGH! *Eye Twitch* And hi Nukora!
  13. EU-04

    Interesting insult Nid. Interesting.

    *Smacks Nid with a tire-iron*

    Who else wants to use Your Mom jokes? WHO! I DEFY YOU TO USE ONE!

    *Foams at the mouth*

  14. Nid

    *respawns as 421 Gilty Spork (Forge moooode!) and drops a freaking Scorpion Tank on Shark*

  15. *dies*

    *respawn in 5






    *Is respawned*

    *enters bubble sheild and throws and spike grenade and exits bubble sheild*

    *spike grenade explodes and Nid is killed by the spikes bouncing off the bubble shield*

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