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Year 18

About Andrewnuva199

  • Birthday 06/13/1994

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    About time I make this more fancy. I'm obiously a Bionicle fan, a regular builder with basic Lego bricks (I have myself the begining of a Lego Island model), a Star Wars fan, and a researcher of the World's diasters (My specialties are the sinking of the Titanic and September 11, 2001).

    So yeah, that's sums up me.

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  1. Dunno if I'll get real results from this, but might as well at least leave an ad. As I stated in a prior topic, I'm wanting to get a White Metal Krana Kal from the 2003 Bohrok Kal distribution, very preferably still with certificate and black pouch bag. Send PM if you're willing to sell, current WMKK owners, that way we can have privacy for bargaining. I l'll ask for this topic to be closed if I ever accomplish my goal via here or elsewhere.
  2. Been out of touch with things for years, but as I do another nostalgic round-up on my BIONICLE collection, I'm having an itch to go after a holy grail of mine. The White Metal Krana Kal. Trophy of one of my favorite sets in the line (yes I love the Bohrok Kal. Most of the things about the Swarm get me, but the silver bois especially), and I would've loved to find one back in the day. Didn't exactly try crazy back then (i was more stringent about duplicate sets, never bothered to check every Kal in every store), and now I'm wondering what the cost would be to go for it now. From what I've read, the WMKKs are relatively cheap compared to the other precious metal masks out there (over 5000 units out there helps). Couple hundred, I hear? $300, give or take? Or are things inflating? Also, from my initial overviews, I see that even the WMKKs are scarce on secondary markets online, so I suppose I need to track down a current owner. I'm guessing BZP's old WMKK/SSKK Tracker page (now only visible on Internet Archive) offers leads, but it being that old and with members not so active anymore, I doubt it. So with my desires, I have a two queries: -How much would a WMKK with its original back and certificate card set me back in money today? -Is there any reliable way I can start asking/looking around for current owners to barter with? Redirect me to the proper topic if needed.
  3. It's been a while, BZPower, since I was a regular visitor. Even longer since I last even tried to enter a building contest around here. Didn't come out on top then, I doubt I will now, but for the sake of the grand return of the toyline we know and love, if not giving it my best shot anyways, I present to the general public of this subforum the entry that I've made. Among the many legends of the BIONICLE is an obscure tale of a golden-armored titan like no other. Standing tall, yet hunched over, this being known as "Novezemak" is alledged to be the hunter of sacred Golden Masks. It is not known why, as he has never been seen wearing them, nor has he ever been found gathering them in any physical collection. All that is known is that he appears to have the potential to manifest almost anywhere at any time, wherever a Golden Mask may be found, fight and conquer anyone who stands in his way, and then vanish with his golden prize. No one knows where he comes from, though legends speak that he may've once been a weak madman who was granted incredible power. All that is certain that whoever may wear a Golden Mask with pride, be they the bravest Toa or strongest guardian, they must always be on guard, and beware the threat of Novezemak. Full image gallery This is more based off the contest name/theme than anything else, having a character that actually looks like something related to golden Kanohi. Heh, maybe that will give me some leeway during judgement. Probably not the best MoC around, and I do certainly doubt my chances, but hey, you never know until you try. Just glad at the very least to have a chance to share this model with everyone and be able to celebrate in the return of BIONICLE. Feel free to critique though.
  4. Entry Name: Novezemak Entry Image: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/330/1/2/novezemak_by_andrewnuva199-d87swom.jpg Entry Gallery: http://sta.sh/2161vj74lv6t Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/15958-novezemak/
  5. Geeze, it's been a while since I logged in here. Strange, that. Writing quality aside, size and scope of the story, the DIno Attack RPG was always still an RPG. A role-playing game. A game. A game where we had fun playing out a story of LEGO characters fighting dinosaurs. We had good times writing out these adventures, some of us for years on end, and even in the early days, the group was enjoying themselves coming up with twists and turns that may've not withstood the test of time, but still remained an enjoyable adventure for those who played. And with all said and done, looking back, we find our adventure a good story, and with several of us liking TV Tropes and knowing the Wiki was open to pages for ametuer works like ours, we took the opportunity and ran with it to create a nice little page with all the tropes one could think of. Maybe we pumped more than advisable into it, but that's what happens when internet geeks gather in such group efforts, I guess. Though I've only just started editing the articles of the page myself. What you've uncovered is two measly posts by TV Trope critics frustrated with issues that haunt the site as a whole. They have not judged the RPG itself in any actual detail other than generalizations and sterotypes. It's not a full picture of any reception tropers are giving it. That's hard to see without a comments system or any sort of general page to talk about it. Maybe the site's forum could provide it, but I doubt it's that interesting enough to warrent anyone to make a page dedicated to an ended RPG, quality or not. But in the end, the reception from the rest of the internet's not really what matters. What matters is that we had fun with it, and felt we could do one more thing with it in regards to the TV Tropes page. It's still very much just a little thing we did, and any comments on it is a mere bonus. And any comments on what others think will be far and few between, but just remember that it's the negative remarks that always feel the most vocal. ...Blarg, it's still frustrating with the forum archive loss. Was the data really not all that salvagable? Is there really no online backup in some NSA or Internet Archive somewhere? Can I start using this when people tell me "Ah, ah, ah, what you type on the internet never disappears!" And what about fixing the format break that's making reading At War's End a slog? "Gathering resources" for a fix sure is taking a while.
  6. Oh man, that's beautiful. Playful poking at the movie with a tongue-in-cheek read that's fun for the experienced reader and a joy for those who can feel nostalgic for lines of old. Good work, old buddy.
  7. To make matters worse, it doesn't seem like they're prototypes anymore.
  8. I see where you're getting at, though at least for the Toa Nuva, they were still in their own universe, still had each other, and none of the Matoran characters got turned into a dog.
  9. Equestria Girls is coming June 16 direct-to-DVD & with limited theater distribution. Thoughts?Personally, I'm passively neutral, and have little interest at the moment in time.
  10. I'm reading it was actually the Seventh Doctor's from before he got his signature Question Mark one.
  11. How far have you planned this, BTW? It might not hurt to know exactly what you want to do with the story all the way to the end in regards to planning things, and in helping to make sure it ties into everything right.Also, how do you plan to work with the preexisting Templar Bohrok movies? Are you going to try to redo the moments where Takua is involved to give more player interaction?
  12. No, that thing was definitely looking more like a planet. I don't think stars usually have rings of asteroids like that.
  13. The comics, while pretty cool from what I've read, haven't registered as a high-priority Must-have for me yet. I'm hoping for a point where they'll release graphic novel collections I can pick up atm.
  14. Oh, so it's out now?Might consider getting hands on that one. Much more feasible than tracking down comic shops for those IDW comics.
  15. This a fan animation everybody's talking about, right?Eh, just not really my area of interest, no matter how many people tell me they cried over Snowdrop.
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