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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2018 in Blog Comments

  1. I feel personally attacked.
    1 point
  2. But my hidden-story-choice-related-team-required-achievement that rewards you 95% of Gamerscore you get from the entire title gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment when completing it! I know! I'll make a loot box you can buy with a 0.0000001% of unlocking the achievement so it's never truly locked out --Akaku
    1 point
  3. Isn't Ulysses itself like a nerdy Ulysses? Like, I know for certain that dropping references to mythology and literature all over the place in high school would get me pegged as a nerd just as quickly as dropping comic book or sci-fi references. Anyway, I haven't read Ready Player One myself, but with the movie on its way I've seen people sharing excerpts that make me rather uncomfortable with its handling of gender-related issues.
    1 point
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