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Toa Neutrak

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Status Updates posted by Toa Neutrak

  1. If you saw in his sig what he wrote...? I think he really likes you. Why?

  2. Actually i know why..i think.

  3. You all set for the second bionicle moc contes. On www.gavanui.yolasite.com ?

  4. Hello! thanks for visiting my profile.

  5. nice to meet you too. Check out my website at www.Gavanui.yolasite.com

  6. Trying to get my website started up again. Go to www.Gavanui.yolasite.com to check it out

  7. Hi. i really am getting bored and wanted to check to see if there really was a blog section in the posts, friends, etc. box. apparently there is. so you can check mine out.

  8. I never got around to saying nice to meet you too. also, happy belated birthday!.

  9. Please check out my blog. i am writing an exclusive story on it called deffenders of Gava-nui. Since it was recently your birthday, you can pick the name of one of the matoran (not the matoran of ice, air or earth, though). pm me the name if you want to name one.

  10. Did you make mantax facts?

  11. Dont PM me that much until next sunday; i will be at sleepaway camp.'

  12. Back to 3 stars :(

    Go to www.Gavanui.yolasite.com

  13. check out my site! my links on my page.

  14. Why hasn't anyone left me any comments? Please leave me something!

  15. Liking the new BZP facebook emulating going on :D

  16. hola! How's life?

  17. I wasn't on for a while and forgot to post that on my interests. Thanks (refering to four star goal).

  18. Thanks for info on what to do with comments forums, etc.

  19. Your Mocs are awesome!!! You could really help my website out on the Mocs page: http://gavanui.yolasite.com/mocs-page.php

  20. I liked the bionicle you made to represent you.

  21. Move along by the all american rejects was my favorite song for about two years!

  22. Kahnoa: toa of darkness has in his sig if you would go out with him.

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