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Posts posted by GallifreyanOrigin

  1. I myself am very pleased with this reveal, but I am even more pleased to receive an update after so long. As Bonesiii said, I guess patience does pay off sometimes. Personally, I hope this isn't the last update we get and I really hope that the story can continue, but for now I'll just enjoy this little bit of information. :DAlso, I strongly support the request to thank Greg for this. :)

  2. I made a theory a while back saying that the virus transformed TSO into the green cloud that became a part of the gold-skinned being and that, after the virus has changed him, Teridax teleported him to the location of the Skakdi ritual since he was the one who put the idea into the Skakdi's minds.. But I guess we aren't likely to know for sure, unfortunately.As for that region of Xia being pulverized, I seem to recall it being confirmed that that was due to Mata Nui hitting Teridax during the battle.

  3. I believe that they all evacuated to Spherus Magna (well, all of the ones that weren't turned into statues and subsequently destroyed by Gali's Nova Blast, anyway), but if I recall correctly, the Mask of Life only cure the victims of the Pit Mutagen.Which raises an interesting question; if the Mutagen reversed Karzahni's alterations (in the case of the Mahri Nui Matoran), did Mata Nui's undoing of the Mutagen revert the Mahri Nui Matoran to their altered state?

  4. No way would TSO be working with Teridax. Remember that he has a deep personal hatred with the Makuta. Zaktan is more likely. The Golden Skakdi has a lot of parallels with Irnakk; look at its conversation with Anonna and its abilities. Zaktan too has a close relationship with Irnakk; he was the one capable of mastering the Skakdi horror.

    I don't believe that TSO would ally with Teridax either. However, Makuta was in a position of immense power at the time, so I'm working under the hypothesis that he simply facilitated the creation of the fusion by ensuring that the necessary components would be present when the ritual took place, since he had knowledge of every being's destiny and could presumably designate some on his own like Mata Nui could. Furthermore, it doesn't really seem as though ANY of the components were privy to their fate; they were each taken prisoner and hurled into the tank against their will. If anyone was working with Teridax, it would've been the Skakdi that conducted the ritual, but even then it's outright stated that Teridax was manipulating them.
  5. Actually, the Shadow To a battle was Greg's idea. And the way the Toa Mata were SUPPOSED to beat them was to absorb the Shadow Toa into their essence. But Cathy decided to rely on one of the oldest cliches - attack the one that isn't you.

    I'd like an official record for that before I take your word for it. And even then I still like the battle the way it is. Is it cliche? Maybe. However we're talking about a children's story here. It's not good if it gets too complex. If I read a story where they absorbed the shadow toa, I would be majorly confused. "What happened to the shadow toa? Are they still alive? Does this mean the toa are now part Makuta? Can Makuta now control them? Can they shoot shadow? What about Tahu because he's the fire dude and fire gives off light?" ...etc. Cathy had the right idea as an author to keep things relatively simple. It's good to know your audience, and the target audience of Bionicle were typically kids. Adding on a pile of dramatic webs spiraling out of control is why the series ended in the first place.
    Thought it ended due to revenue loss...?Anyway, I think either interpretation has its pros and cons; Farshtey's version has a darker touch to it in that the Toa were forced to accept that even they themselves had a dark side, plus it ties in well to the later story because of the whole "inner light and shadow" concept, while Hapka's version promotes unity which is more in-line with Bionicle's message, and it IS simpler (although I don't find the absrption scenario to be all that confusing; Makuta can manipulate darkness, Makuta manifests the darkness inside the Toa, Toa realize that it is simply a part of them and are enlightened (lolpun)).Frankly, I prefer Farshtey's, but that's because I'm a fan of darker concepts.
  6. As a kid, I loved the Hau...I always wanted the yellow one from Jala, the gold one from the Mask packs, the chrome one from the Power Pack, and the infected one, but I never acquired any of these. The only Hau's I ever managed to get were red, silver and black.I also had major want for the teal Kakama and the Vahi. And the trans-lime Miru.

  7. There are certainly a lot of contenders for me, so let's see. I know the Ignika is probably my favorite because of the way they incorporated the Vitruvian Man as its face---just brilliant. Then there's the Crast and Vahi, both of which I've loved since they were first revealed due to their unorthodox designs. The Kadin, the Arthron, the Great Huna, and the Noble Kakama are all pretty good too. And then of course there's the Hau/original Hau Nuva/Lhikan's Hau, all of which are especially great; the Hau for its calm-but-strong heroic look, the Hau Nuva for the way it carried on the feeling of it's predecessor but at the same time looked stronger, and Lhikan's Hau for taking the look of the original Hau and putting a new perspective on it.The Olisi gets points too for being quite creepy looking. >=D

  8. Can someone please explain to me the differences between MNOLG and the other 2001 media that I'm apparently not aware of? I didn't even know there was a discrepancy in the matter other than the "Shadow Toa" thing, and that wasn't even featured in the MNOLG; that was between Greg and Hapka... :oBut, in regards to the topic, I like to pretend that the Kal saga never happened, that the Nuva Symbols don't exist, and that Jaller's Hahnah was teleported to Metru Nui along with the rest of the Mahri (it was too adorable to let go, and there was no reason for it not to go with them). I also tend to disregard the one-gender elements thing; instead saying that it is simply the more prevalent gender (as in, Ga-Matoran tend to be female more often than male, but there are males).And until we can confirm whether or not there will be any more TYQ and TPTB chapters, I choose not to recgonize them as canon, instead cutting the story off at the end of Shamad's Tale. Don't get me wrong, I love the plots of both stories, but I HATE loose ends. No TYQ and no TPTB make me something something...

  9. Recently, I was thinking about the identity of the green cloud that partially comprises the Skakdi Fusion alongside with a Steltian, a Vortixx, a Zyglak, and the five remaining Piraka. Now, it was confirmed a while back that the cloud is not Antidermis, thereby ruling out the possibility of it being Krika, Icarax, a portion of Teridax, or any other Makuta. Logic then leads one to Zaktan, and while that could be it, I personally don't see much value in it being yet another Piraka.But then it hit me.What if the green cloud was the Shadowed One? When last we saw him, he was on Xia, in possession of some Makuta viruses. However, he then mysteriously disappeared; the viruses along with him. Now let's first examine the evidence:1) The cloud is not a Makuta.2) Teridax orchestrated the creation of the Fusion.3) The Fusion is said to contain the mind of "one thought dead."4) The Shadowed One vanished during an earthquake on Xia, which was caused by the fight between Mata Nui and Teridax.5) The vials containing the viruses were also mysteriously emptied.6) In the "Who is/isn't the Great Being?" thread, TSO is ruled out as a possibility, as Greg "had other plans for him."I propose that the Shadowed One was mutated by the viruses (perhaps he was tampering with them, or maybe he came into contact with them when that earthquake hit Xia) into the green cloud, and was then teleported by Teridax to the location of the fusion "ritual." This would account for his disappearance, and it would make sense that Teridax would ensure the presence of all the necessary components. As for being "thought dead," TSO could qualify as no one would have seen him since then, so maybe he's been presumed dead by the Order and the Dark Hunters. Additionally, Teridax may have wanted a way to get rid of TSO in order to pre-emptively quell him, should he choose to resist Teridax's reign.So, what do you think? Plausible? No?

  10. Remember that Metru Nui faces the same direction as the MU robot's face. When the fragment collided with it's head, it broke through and crushed the Core Processor (which was underneath Metru Nui, so to them it probably felt like an earthquake), causing the gravity/light/etc. throughout the MU to become distorted, which is probably what did the most damage. Metru Nui would've been damaged, but it wouldn't have been relatively severe. The only thing the fragment destroyed was the Core Processor.

    If I remember correctly, it was Bota Magna that collided, even if the comics shows it as blue.

    No, the comics are canon, while the MNS/Journey's End are artistic license. Teridax was hit by a fragment of Aqua Magna. This was stated unequivocally in Sahmad's Tale as well.
  11. I'm not exactly sure where this goes, but I remember prior to the downtime there were plans for a Lesovikk-related writing contest. Having seen no mention of such a thing since the forums came back online, I was wondering if there are still any plans for canon art/writing contests in the future? Or is that something that would require Greg's approval?

  12. The giant robot fight was great, but I wish they could have dreamed up a better ending for it than a chunk of rock taking out one of the greatest villains of all time.

    I remember Greg saying that they originally intended for Mata Nui to split open Teridax's chest and free the Matoran from the outside, but that was deemed too gruesome.As for me, I believe that the worst part of Bionicle is right now. There are just so many loose threads to be tied up, but that doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon. It's even worse considering that we were just at the advent of a series of major revelations. As best I can recall, we still don't know: the Great Being's identity, the green cloud's identity, the identity of Tren Krom's/Karzahni's killer, the resolution to the Marendar/Red Star plots, or the fates of the Toa Mahri, Lewa, The Shadowed One, Lesovikk, or the group inside the GB Fortress, and on a lesser note, we still don't know Takanuva's or Krakua's destinies, but we do know that they are important. I mean, I understand that Greg is really busy/doesn't really have any conrete obligation to finish the story, but if we can't get a resolution to these plotlines in-story, then at the very least I'd be happy to receive maybe an in-depth, canon treatment that would sum up the endings of all of these plots.
  13. Makuta: Probably not; I'm willing to bet that Makuta have the willpower necessary to resist a Krana's influence. Although I also agree with Baron Von Nebula's point; the Krana may not be able to connect to Antidermis in the first place.Skakdi: I'd say yes, especially since Skakdi aren't known for their outstanding mental capacity.Pit prisoners: Despite the fact that they aren't a homogeneous species, yes.Agori/Glatorian: As others have mentioned; no, because they are organic.

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