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25K Now!

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Status Updates posted by 25K Now!

  1. We're jumping onto White Base!

  2. The school for the BZPRPG started. I got Rannin to drag Bruntoa over there.

  3. Hey Toatapio. Everyone who wants to go on Voi's quest in the BZPRPG is ready.

  4. There is one single line in Raidou Kuzunoha that causes Shin Megami Tensei fans to grind to a halt: "The Ambassador has launched the ICBMs!" Congratulations players, you just prevented the main villain from stopping the apocalypse that will occur eighty years on.

  5. Star Wars Episode 7 with JJ Abrams at the helm? YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS.

  6. "engaging physics cancellers"

  7. "Besides, according to television, friendship triumphed over all things, thus friendship was labeled more important than national security."

  8. We have no interaction between Fragarach and JL. please respond in Kumu Islets.

  9. I'm not a hipster, I'm a contrarian!

  10. Yay, everything's back. Except for my display name and postcount, but eh.

  11. I am in a state of ennui. It is very boring.

  12. konata izumi is mai idol

  13. "Here are mai powahs! Let me show them!"

  14. Partial solar eclipse here.



  17. Funnels are superior to your puny METEORs.

  18. So, I decided to make an Angelic Buster in MapleStory. Eskalade is the worst magical girl companion ever.

  19. My egg soup tastes like chicken. Hate.

  20. Accidentally stuffed up profile's page for BZPRPG. Thank god for Google and its caches.

  21. Can't believe it's over eh?

  22. We have entered an endless recursion of time.

  23. Children of man ... WELL DONE!

  24. The increasingly militant Animal Liberation Front struck again last night, freeing dozens of chickens bound for delicious snack packs.

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