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Based Goomy

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Posts posted by Based Goomy

  1. 1. I mostly trade. I used to post MOCs but I haven't built anything in a while2. The people on here seem so sincere, yet so quirky at the same time3. I don't really like how if someone new makes a mistake, every non staff member corrects them. Simply report it and the staff will help out!4. There are a few websites I'd like to be able to mention on here. 5. Bold purple verdana size 12, shaken not stirred6. No way! I love your questions.

  2. 1. Canada eh?2. English eh?3. Absolutely eh?4. Absolutely eh?5. Around the same time as the states, maybe a little later then them eh?6. It's just a simple walk to the local Toy's R Us eh?7. We have more than enough eh?9. Does the number 8 exist in Cyprus eh?10. I remember you :)Eh?

  3. 1. Probably when I was starting out. Everything was just so new and exciting to me. Endless possibilities2. 3 years or so3. Nah. Unpredicabliity is always a good thing!4. I was gone for a couple months after the great downtime. I just kinda lost interest in BZP.5. I'm not sure. It's a decent enough community but I don't feel as if I really belong6. I don't think it's losing it's members, but it's definitely losing some activity7. I think it would have been.8. I'm always up for some questions.9. Do you even need to ask?

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