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Posts posted by Inferno630

  1. That form of selling LEGO-related things is different from this, and likely still isn't approved by them. And in the case of completely custom masks, people have the defense that it's not infringing to be compatible with something. As long as you talk to LEGO before making a transaction, you should be safe. It's better to be safe than sorry. In the future, I'd recommend getting permission from all of the parties before doing something like this, because if anyone says no, there will be some disappointed people who were hoping for whatever service you're offering, and may not do business with you later because of it.BNG is actually a group of people, so I'd recommend contacting We Are Legion (formerly known as MicroSnipe) here.

  2. Just out of curiosity, did you ask CrunchbiteNuva about this before you made this topic? He may not like the idea of someone else making money on something that he helped work on without due credit, or even at all.Did you ask BNG? They may not like that someone is making money based on the models they made.And lastly, did you ask LEGO? I kind of doubt a business would approve of someone making money off of their IP...Not to be a killjoy, but it may be in your best interests to consider all of these things before selling things based on other's work, even if you are making the masks yourself...

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