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    Throne of the Omniverse
  • Interests
    Bionicle, Lego, Halo, Star Wars, Gears of War, and more...

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  1. That form of selling LEGO-related things is different from this, and likely still isn't approved by them. And in the case of completely custom masks, people have the defense that it's not infringing to be compatible with something. As long as you talk to LEGO before making a transaction, you should be safe. It's better to be safe than sorry. In the future, I'd recommend getting permission from all of the parties before doing something like this, because if anyone says no, there will be some disappointed people who were hoping for whatever service you're offering, and may not do business with you later because of it.BNG is actually a group of people, so I'd recommend contacting We Are Legion (formerly known as MicroSnipe) here.
  2. Just out of curiosity, did you ask CrunchbiteNuva about this before you made this topic? He may not like the idea of someone else making money on something that he helped work on without due credit, or even at all.Did you ask BNG? They may not like that someone is making money based on the models they made.And lastly, did you ask LEGO? I kind of doubt a business would approve of someone making money off of their IP...Not to be a killjoy, but it may be in your best interests to consider all of these things before selling things based on other's work, even if you are making the masks yourself...
  3. Yeah, Krono's demon arm is pretty awesome. BSD (B:Showdown) is the project formerly known as SSB. It hasn't been active on BZP for a while.
  4. Inferno630

    My Art

    Wow, these are pretty awesome. I especially like 2 and 3.
  5. They all look awesome, Fluffy! Of course you already know that, but I figured it ought to be restated, keep up the great work! Off-topic: Topic 343.
  6. I'm posting here to see if anyone still checks this older "base". If not, there may be reason to close it altogether, seeing as we don't plan to return here (we've got somewhere else). So if anyone reads this, the project is still alive, and if you'd like to join, PM me. -Inferno
  7. We've moved and have continued making progress.
  8. On the contrary, we have merely relocated to a secret location, I'm probably the only one left who checks back in this location. Don't worry, the project continues.
  9. If you mean the original topic, that was closed because: A. We had no proof to have a new topic in Fan-Made Games B. The topic was considered spam because of the lack of proof. Or at least those are the reasons I got out of it.
  10. Can't you only join that website if you are a member of B:NG? Good to see you 2Tie. Appears that you are off the hook again, Angel Bob.
  11. I actually did play Bioshock and Star Wars Battlefront II (I forgot you had those on the list earlier), they are some of my favorite games, too. I respect the fact that you have thought your answer through and if we drop this whole topic now, then I will respect your thoughts. It is amazing how much harsher an opinion looks in red though. I know I overreacted, but I did not appreciate how you were criticizing one of my favorite series. Personally, I do not really care for "Realistic FPSs", they seem to be all to similar, which is why I enjoy games like Bioshock and Halo. I thought that MW2 was highly over-rated, but that doesn't mean you have to, too. I would just appreciate that everyone just tone down critical opinions, unless it actually pertains to the project. I am sorry if I have offended you in an attempt to spare one of my favorite franchises from a blame that isn't neccesarily only its fault. By the way: Gears of War is a Third-Person Shooter, just so you know. Although, that does make me somewhat curious as to why you hate Mario so much, but that isn't something to discuss here. I don't really believe 2Tie is coming back within a week, if at all. It just makes me wonder what happened. I have no idea how to contact 2Tie outside of BZPower's message system. If someone knows how they could, could they just check in on him/her/it? EDIT: This made me laugh. Saw it on Agnle Bob's recent Posts. By the way, Bob, is there any level you specifically want me to design?
  12. @Talos: Entitled to his opinion...maybe, but he has no right to deliberately insult his superior on this page (PM me disrepect all you want, I'll just block you). @Omega: I have played Gears of War, it is fun, I haven't actually played any of the other ones, but I am not insulting one of your favorite game series of all time, I admit slamming sonic wasn't fair (even if that isn't one of your favorite game series), but I was angry. You are taking your frustration at the FPS genre on Halo alone, that isn't fair, there are many, many, worse FPSs than Halo. So I am done with this pointless argument, so I would advise you to drop this right now (if you are wondering why I am continuing this is because am I not saying something knowing it would make you mad). @Angel Bob: I'll do that in a little while (Level Design not Concept Art).
  13. This isn't TLR, is it. Maybe because Halo is waayy better than Sonic ever could be. Ever think of that? Nintendo 3DS comes out in March! Hopefully I'll have enough money by then. Enough with the off-topic though. Are you ever going to get that chapter in, cause I'm not going to even start mine until someone else posts in the story section, with something more worthwile than "Inferno, write your next chapter", of course.
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