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that guy from that show

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Year 11

About that guy from that show

  • Birthday 06/17/1995

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    Kimballton, Iowa, United States of America
  • Interests
    I am a nerd, I will not deny it, and Star Wars is what I love best. Only recently did I enter the incredible would of the expanded universe. I’ve been reading the books chronologically and am currently in the new Republic Era. My favorite star wars books are the X-wing Series and the Courtship of princes Leia (bad title, good book)
    Some of my favorite (Or at least the one I can think of now) characters are Corran Horn, Gilad Pellaeon, IG-88, Han Solo, Ackbar, Count Dooku, Teneniel Djo, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, Grievous, Ooryl Qtygg, Boba Fett, And of course Grand Admiral Thrawn.

    Although I am obsessed with star wars, they’re not the only movies I love. Dramas like the Green Mile, Forest Gump, Titanic, the Untouchables, Gangs of New York, and Pleasantville, are all very good movies.

    Among my favorite comedies are Pixar movies, BZP Lovers, the Hudsucker Proxy, This is Spinal Tap, and Airplain! Revenge of the Nerds will always be a great fell good movie.

    As for T.V. the best show is hands down LOST. No other show can compete with the incredibly complex characters and the compelling and surprising plot. The character of Benjamin Linus was a huge inspiration for Gahiji “Dust” Thutmose, the main character in the Dino Attack RPG.

    The Pythons are awesome. I have spent several Halloweens as python characters including Patsy and a Knight who says Ni! I have been working my way threw Monty Python’s flying Circus and have watched all the all there movies. Quoting Monty Python is one of the many pastimes of mine but off course I cannot think of anything to say now.

    Dan Brown is a great writer; my all time favorite book is Angles and Demons. I think theologically and I hate it when the bible is used as a weapon of discrimination and words are twisted to mean someone’s personal ideals.

    Another great series of books are the Hunger Games. For the people who have read them, I need not say more. For the people who have not I recommend you pick them up.

    Finally we get to the reason I am here. LEGO. I plain to be a master builder, and consider myself a very skilled designer. As I said earlier I love star wars and have started a desent collection of Lego star fighters. Power Miners, Adventure, Mars Mission, Aqua Raiders and Knights Kingdom (2000) are some of my favored lines

    I was razed on bionicle. I don’t have to promote it on this website but I do say that Brutaka, Zaktan, Onua, Stronius, Krika, Malum, Sentrakh, Mazeka, Nidhiki, Melding Teridax, Toa Ignika, Turahk, and the Gold Skinned Being are some of the coolest characters

    So ends what I am willing to type here. I hope the spelling did not cause any trouble. May the Force be with you.

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