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Status Updates posted by TobiasM

  1. No worry Zeddy!

    I understand that a poll would be a fine way to do it, but this way works fine with me. So if it isn't violating any rules i would like it to stay this way :)

    Thanks for opening it again :)

  2. counting them is no problem, takes no time.

    I just thought it was fine as it was. And 'm not able to get in contact with Zeddy as i can't send PM's and she hasn't read my comment. So right now i'm just stuck with no way of getting information :(

  3. Hi!! I'm writing to you because i can see that you are online, and i really need this done.

    My thread was closed because Zeddy thought it was better as a poll. However i like it just as it is, and i need it open because i really need the results asap.


  4. Hi Turakii,

    My latest thread was closed because Zeddy thougt it was better suited as a poll. I however liked the thread as it was and really need it to be opened asap(as i need the results). Could you please do this? I don't think Zeddy has seen my comments yet.


  5. Zeddy, please let me know whats going on. I really need my thread to be re-opened ASAP.


  6. Hi Watashi Wa,

    Can you please open my thread again?I think it is a good option to have the big pictures visible when they have to chose. Also, we need the results pretty quickly so it would be nice not to have to wait for a poll. Really need it to be open for commects.


  7. Hi Zeddy,

    I would prefer if we could just leave the thread open. I think it's a good option to have the big pictures visible when they have to chose. Also, we need the results pretty quickly so it would be nice not to have to wait for a poll.


  8. Det må vi desværre ikke, da den er fortrolig. Men vi er selvfølgelig glade for at i har villet hjælpe :)

  9. And for your question:

    As said, you seem to have a very nice forum here. The main purpose of me being here is of course the project, but i'm sure i'll be stopping by once in a while :)

  10. Hehe yeah my thread turned out to be far more succesful than i could expect. Nice and active forum you guys have here!!

  11. Hejsa!!

    Jeg kendte ikke forummet før, men det virker til det er en rigtig god side i har jer her! Som udgangspunkt er jeg her for projektet, men det virker da interessant, og vil da helt sikkert kigge forbi ind i mellem :)

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