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Status Updates posted by wotkay

  1. Ooh, didn't know you still visited the site. Good to see you.

  2. wotkay

    Good to see you don't post in eye-searing green anymore. ^^;;

  3. O hai. Since when has Dr. Random been on your friends list? D:

  4. We have psychological differences. She yearns for death, she wallows. B)

  5. Who do you think I am?

  6. Would you happen to be Aho-chan?

  7. Sad to see you're comic is dead. It was a good one. :[

  8. Depends on who's saying it, I think.

  9. It's not like you were a very quiet member back then.

  10. Are you Vezon The Piraka? The guy who used to capitalize every word?

  11. That'd be the one. I'm thinking of changing it soon, though.

  12. Woah, didn't know you were still active.

  13. wotkay

    What do you think you're doing just sitting around here? Get to work!

  14. So I didn't comment on your profile?

  15. Yay. My post was deleted. Or maybe I never commented.

    I shall never know. :/

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