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Blog Entries posted by Squishyfrog

  1. Squishyfrog
    yes i'm aware that this blog has turned into a place where literally just post my drawings and stuff about Pokemon WHAT'S YOUR POINT
    first off i'm going to show you this old picture of some "ninja worm" fakemon because some of you might remember it. well they've since had a COMPLETE design overhaul. their typing is Ground/Dark, but they still don't have names or anything yet. here they are:
    Ninja Worms
    next up i'll show you my Mega Spiritomb drawing from a little while back. all i've done since then is color him in, but i'm still happy with how it came out. the one on the right is supposed to be the shiny form.
    Mega Spiritomb(Colored)
    and finally we have a design and concept i've tossed around for a LONG time but never have posted anywhere. the idea behind him is that he was created by Arceus to constantly watch over the world in the event that it becomes corrupt with evil, so that he can then wipe the slate clean and give it a second chance. this is my first legendary fakemon, and he wasn't really based on anything and still doesn't have a name or typing.
    Unnamed Legendary Fakemon
    and there you go! i intend to post fakemon updates in this sort of style now, with multiple colored images. next time i'll probably post the new Cathodoom line, so stay tuned for that(ha get it stay tuned and they're televisions oh man i'm so funny).
  2. Squishyfrog
    so a few days ago my sister and i tried the demo for this game - we liked it. the art style was cute and overall it was fun. plus it was only ten dollars. so we bought it.
    let me just say one thing
    the earlier levels were really fun, and they still gave your noggin a good workout. i don't know how far we are into the game yet, but all of the sudden the levels seem to have taken a huge increase in difficulty. i don't mind a good challenge in a video game, quite the contrary, as that usually makes the game more rewarding. usually. i don't know if i'm just horrible at this game, if my sister is horrible at this game, if the levels are designed with slight hiccups, or some combination of all of those. when you beat one of the hard puzzles, there's just not that rewarding feeling. it's more of a "freaking FINALLY beat that stupid freaking puzzle that took us seventy freaking tries to beat". part of the reason behind this is because the levels are so long, so chances are you'll have to keep playing and you'll encounter another equally frustrating puzzle, and if you stop, you'll have to start the level all over AGAIN. and then you'll get so close to beating the level... and then your partner make one slight misstep, a wrong-timed jump, and you have to start the puzzle from the beginning. again. and then that same situation will happen over and over again.
    also playing single player is nigh-impossible. you control ibb with one control stick, and obb with the other. this is extremely awkward, but generally not a problem until you have to do any sort of synchronized jumping or dodging or basically everything you have to do to solve puzzles.
    i don't really know how to end this entry so have a picture of ibb and obb:

  3. Squishyfrog
    nothing new this time around, just updated Gingrdread - NEXT time i upload fakemon, i promise it will be new(and a legendary)
    i gotta say, he's come quite a ways from... this abomination. *shudders* nevertheless i really like how this version of him came out. though he seems a bit too lanky. also i forgot the scar over his right eye
    now if only i could color him properly
  4. Squishyfrog
    i no this kind of comments are hated but hear me out
    i'm just a guy trying 2 make it on utube so if you couls just check my videos out is would mean a big alot to me
    even if jus 1 person sees this thats all that matters to me thanks you =)
    lol jk jk
    But seriously, a huge thank you to BZP staff for taking time out of their busy lives to work on this website, especially with how much whining they have to put up with when they could easily just leave. You guys are literally the best. =)
    also my birthday is tomorrow what
  5. Squishyfrog
    Wow guys. Thanks so much for all your well wishings and whatnot. Really means a lot to me. =')
    Buuuuuut my birthday has been kind of exactly like an ordinary day except each of my family members said "Happy birthday" when they first saw me. Heck, I even had to remind my younger sister that it was my birthday.
    OH WELL. I did get Portal 2, though. But there's this dumb glitch where I can see everything except the actual game and I can hear everything and do stuff but IT'S A BLANK SCREEN(halp pleeeese).
  6. Squishyfrog
    oh yeah i like minecraft even though i don't own it
    it it weird to get into a game that you don't even play? =/
    anyhow like y/n
    also also i changed my name
  7. Squishyfrog
    OMG you gaiz are gonan be like sooooooo~ jealous bcuz i got SO MUCH COOL STUFF for my birthday today
    ACTUALLY i just got a Kyogre plush and Flower(the video game). oh yeah also some money but egh who needs money right?? but HEY i got a Kyogre plush and Flower so that's cool
    but the plush is kind of weird because the patches of fabric either side of the center seam face opposite directions so when you pet him it smooths out one side of his fabric but messes up the other side and ARGH but he apparently only cost 9 cents so i can't complain
    basically i don't know the real point of this entry but hey i'm 14 now so that's cool maybe? also i changed my display name and i KNOW i capitalized the "s" in Squishyfrog but it's all lowercase somehow and plpbbbbbbbbbb idk how that happened
  8. Squishyfrog
    ^click for full-size image(480.08 KB)^
    disclaimer: Scolipede is my favorite Bug type, but i didn’t want to draw him again or use the same artwork, so i drew my second favorite Bug type instead.
    i’m not exactly sure what Escavalier is supposed to be, to be honest. he evolves from a beetle thing, then he gets Shelmet’s armor and evolves into a knight-beetle thing, presumably? but his name references snails, but he doesn’t really look like a snail sans the swirly part of his shell. whatever he is, i find him really cool. i’ve also used him competitively to minor success, though that was in RU and i soon abandoned that tier for UU, which was much more fun to play for me. there’s no reason why he wouldn’t be viable in UU, though.
    honorable mentions: Ariados, Nincada, Shedinja, Accelgor
  9. Squishyfrog
    rest assured, i am not dead yet. i blame Minecraft(which i recently acquired)

    if you had asked me when i first saw Escavalier and Accelgor which i preferred, i would have said "Escavalier" in a heartbeat. i mean, look at this thing. it's puny, has no legs, and and crosses its arms all the time as if trying to be cool. if you had asked me now, however, i would say "Escavalier, but only by a little bit", because all of the sudden, Accelgor has started looking pretty cool to me. i mean, it's a ninja, so insta-cool points there, plus it has this permanent glare perfectly befitting a ninja bug, complete with crossed arms. on top of all that, he has a scarf, and scarves are awesome.
    i don't really have anything else to say, so i'll leave you with this Minecraft skin i made
  10. Squishyfrog
    ^click for full-size image(577.59KB)^
    disclaimer: Sharpedo is my favorite Dark type, but i already drew him for Water so i drew my second favorite instead.
    i don’t have much to say about Crawdaunt except i HATE HATE HATE how this drawing came out and i’m sorry it looks so awful but my pencils weren’t cooperating
    honorable mentions: Tyranitar, Spiritomb, Greninja(all the Water/Dark types are so cool(well besides Mega Gyarados))
  11. Squishyfrog
    woohoo yay xmas
    okay i have to be honest here. our parents actually let us open everything on the 22nd BUT HEY STILL REAL CHRISTMAS YAAAY
    loot(in no particular order):
    Cubic Ninja for 3DS(eh)
    NRG Jay
    three of those collectible Portal turrets(got open sunburst, open zebra and closed wood)
    Portal 2 space core t-shirt
    pipe cleaner Mewtwo and Deoxys from younger sister
    plush snowy owl from older sister
    a lot of stuff this year! though it felt weird that i wasn't building any Lego sets =P
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