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Blog Entries posted by Squishyfrog

  1. Squishyfrog
    i'm sure you were all begging for this to get a new entry so here you go

    behold, the Pokemon who rules over of the elemental golems, the Pokemon who pulled the continents together with rope, the Pokemon who... is cursed one of the worst abilities in the game. yes, poor Regigigas here is Blessed with Suck, having an absolutely incredible bade 160 base Attack, great 110 base HP and defenses, and decent base 100 speed, but also has the Slow Start ability, which halves his Speed and Attack for the first five turns of battle. in competitive play, this allows the opponent to set up all over you and/or just KO you with a couple of powerful attacks. in casual play, Regigigas is only available until after the Elite Four and even then he is still pretty much useless with Slow Start.
    NEVERTHELESS, i find Regigigas awesome, no matter how much he may suck. it's the combination of his appearance, lore, and the latter half of his cry that sounds like some sort of weird dance party just make me love him.
    also this entry would have been up sooner but i had to make that gif then make it fit the BZP size guidelines so yeah
  2. Squishyfrog
    sometimes, there are things that i never really pay attention to, and just forget about until much later, when i end up loving them. this especially happens with Pokemon, so i figured i would just do this

    seriously, this is my new favorite fossil, flying, and rock-type Pokemon. plus, i love love love its stat spread. unfortunately, i accidentally chose the wrong fossil in both White and White 2, prohibiting me from getting Archeops without trading. another thing bad about Archeops is its ability, but in-game(which is what i do) it's not too horrible with access to potions and whatnot
    also don't expect any more of these because this whose idea is just dumb and this entry is prone for deletion FYI =)
  3. Squishyfrog
    rest assured, i am not dead yet. i blame Minecraft(which i recently acquired)

    if you had asked me when i first saw Escavalier and Accelgor which i preferred, i would have said "Escavalier" in a heartbeat. i mean, look at this thing. it's puny, has no legs, and and crosses its arms all the time as if trying to be cool. if you had asked me now, however, i would say "Escavalier, but only by a little bit", because all of the sudden, Accelgor has started looking pretty cool to me. i mean, it's a ninja, so insta-cool points there, plus it has this permanent glare perfectly befitting a ninja bug, complete with crossed arms. on top of all that, he has a scarf, and scarves are awesome.
    i don't really have anything else to say, so i'll leave you with this Minecraft skin i made
  4. Squishyfrog
    i had a bunch of Pokes competing for this Hip Pokemon of the Day. eventually i was able to decide on one, however.

    if i had payed this guy more attention when i first saw him, i wouldn't have had all those rants in my head about how more Pokemon based on eels, specifically a gulper eel, should totally be made. why? because, as it turns out, Huntail here actually is based on an eel. specifically, a gulper eel. i just realized this recently, and now i feel like a total cool dude. anyhow, i had actually really started warming up to this guy right before i realized he was based on a gulper, but once i figured it out his popularity with me skyrocketed. is he my new favorite Water-Type? heck no(Sharpedo ftw), but he's close to the top
    although i still have no clue how he learns Shell Smash
  5. Squishyfrog
    yes i know that is not how you pluralize "Pokemon"

    when i first saw Elgyem and Beheeyem, well, i can't really remember because i just glanced them over without a second thought. but lately taken quite a shine to them. i don't exactly know what it is about them, but something just works for me. maybe it's because Elgyem is absolutely adorable, and i love Beheeyem's coat thingy. their names are hilarious once you figure them out, too(LGM = Little Green Men; BEM = Bug Eyed Men). whatever the exact reason is, these guys are some of my favorite Psychic-type Pokemon. definitely not favorite, but far from least.
    tune in next time to watch Squishy ramble about more stuff that no one cares about at all
  6. Squishyfrog
    I think I watch these too much.
    Seriously, though. They're littered with cheese and yet I still like them. They're certainly better than the first movie or that dreaded Battle Force 5, yet just as corny. Vert is a crybaby, the ending is horrible, the Metal Maniacs are seriously ripped in a stupid way and everything about the movies are ridiculous and yet I still like all four.
    Maybe it's because of how Shirako and Pork Chop play off each other so well.
    Nah, I think I'm in it for the scenery of the realms.
    e: Oh, and the soundtrack is pretty good.
    ex2: The cars are awesome, too.
  7. Squishyfrog
    you're a mostly unimportant or unmemorable character
    then you get thrown into a random story serial
    then you have your character expanded upon
    then you suddenly become/have the potential to be a compelling and interesting character
    and then you get killed off in the most anticlimactic way possible
  8. Squishyfrog
    but i was bored so i took the 15 minute quiz anyway for anyone who cares

    i was expecting that i'd get a True/Lawful Neutral alignment so that's not big surprise and i have absolutely no idea what any of the other stuff means but maybe it tells you a lot about me as a person i dunno you D&D nuts tell me
  9. Squishyfrog
    ...but honestly i can't think of much to say about it. 2013, at face value, was a lukewarm year that somehow managed to seem shorter than even 2012. nothing really bad happened, but at the same time nothing really good happened. i could bore you all and talk about how i've matured and grown as a person and how i've learned a lot about myself this year, but WHO CARES ABOUT THAT GARBAGE AM I RIGHT
    so i guess i'll just take the cheap way out and say something like "see you next year" or just put "TWO-THOUSAND AND FOURTEEN" in all caps.
    (But seriously though I love you guys and I want to wish you all a very happy New Year. I hope you all can spend this time with the ones you love the most and the ones who love you. God bless.)
  10. Squishyfrog
    so a few days ago my sister and i tried the demo for this game - we liked it. the art style was cute and overall it was fun. plus it was only ten dollars. so we bought it.
    let me just say one thing
    the earlier levels were really fun, and they still gave your noggin a good workout. i don't know how far we are into the game yet, but all of the sudden the levels seem to have taken a huge increase in difficulty. i don't mind a good challenge in a video game, quite the contrary, as that usually makes the game more rewarding. usually. i don't know if i'm just horrible at this game, if my sister is horrible at this game, if the levels are designed with slight hiccups, or some combination of all of those. when you beat one of the hard puzzles, there's just not that rewarding feeling. it's more of a "freaking FINALLY beat that stupid freaking puzzle that took us seventy freaking tries to beat". part of the reason behind this is because the levels are so long, so chances are you'll have to keep playing and you'll encounter another equally frustrating puzzle, and if you stop, you'll have to start the level all over AGAIN. and then you'll get so close to beating the level... and then your partner make one slight misstep, a wrong-timed jump, and you have to start the puzzle from the beginning. again. and then that same situation will happen over and over again.
    also playing single player is nigh-impossible. you control ibb with one control stick, and obb with the other. this is extremely awkward, but generally not a problem until you have to do any sort of synchronized jumping or dodging or basically everything you have to do to solve puzzles.
    i don't really know how to end this entry so have a picture of ibb and obb:

  11. Squishyfrog
    Whenever I'm away from BZP, I can think of all this good stuff to blog about, but when I actually get here I draw A COMPLETE BLANK.
    Also if you guys could keep me in your prayers that would be really appreciated.
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