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ToM Dracone

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Blog Entries posted by ToM Dracone

  1. ToM Dracone
    :: :: 
    And yes. We. DID.
    Ladies and gentlemen, the next President of the United States is Barack Obama. I am -so- happy right now. I only wish I were with someone else in person so I could properly scream in delight and go hug somebody. This is ... truly incredible. I wish I could have voted, still, but I'm so happy just to have witnessed this...
    Also, one of my best friends is in Chicago right now in that crowd and will hear Obama speak in person soon. I am completely jealous of her.
    ~ ToM
  2. ToM Dracone
    :: :: 
    The following is addressed to citizens of the United States aged 18 or older.
    Please register to vote and please please please actually do vote in this election. I desperately wish I were old enough, because for once I actually dearly want one of the candidates to win. Not just because he's the Democratic nominee, but because I've listened to both sides speak, read up on the issues and where they stand, and know in no uncertain terms who I want as President.
    But I can't vote. So PLEASE don't waste your right to do so if you're one of those lucky folks born before November 1990.
    The deadline for registration is coming up, at some point in October determined by what state you live in. (It's October 10th in New York.) Google "voter registration deadline" and you'll get a bunch of lists. If you're not registered yet, go do so. If you're registered but going to be in a different state (or country) on November 4th, fill out an absentee ballot form. It's easy. Really it is.
    Remember this: if you don't vote, you are not allowed to complain about the results. (Unless of course you aren't even eligible.)
    Having trouble deciding? Read up on the issues. Find out where the candidates stand on things, and see who represents you more, or who you think would be best at the helm of the country. Their web sites are a good place to start, if you're lost in the midst of all the election stuff going on. And if you truly can't decide between Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin (if you were debating between them to begin with), find an independent you like better. There's probably someone out there.
    And lastly. YOUR VOTE COUNTS. Do not succumb to the allure of "I'm only one person; what does one vote matter?" It matters a lot. A majority is nothing more than a heck of a lot of individual votes added up, and if a lot of people are too lazy or apathetic to vote, that might well affect the outcome.
    I wish I could leave this open, in the hope that people would comment on voting rather than starting a flaming debate, but experience has shown that that would not be the case at all. So alas, I must keep this closed, but I encourage civil discussion in other venues.
    Mandatory endorsement plug: OBAMA '08
    ~ ToM
  3. ToM Dracone
    As of yesterday evening, the third chapter of Learn to Fly has been posted. This one stars Krakua, and is much longer than it was supposed to be, but I do hope you'll enjoy it anyway – I enjoyed writing it. This is also what I was raving about in relation to The Houses of Healing, since the song so perfectly fits certain scenes from it...
    And there's also still The Iron Ghost, my latest short story, lying around if you feel like reviewing it. I wouldn't mind some more in-depth criticism...
    And of course there's Viridian, too.
    Yes. I am shameless.
    ~ ToM
  4. ToM Dracone
    Yesterday it was so cold with the wind chill that we didn't have school... Which was awesome (free day off! Whoo!), except that I was coming down with a cold. Which had set in with certainty by the evening. And which I still have now. We had school today, but since getting out I've been lying on the couch reading and drinking cider...
    Something really good to do when you have a cold is to drink hot cider through a cinnamon stick. It's wonderful.
    – Kit
  5. ToM Dracone
    Yes! We are reading Cicero in Latin class.
    To be specific, his defense of Milo in the trial over the murder of Clodius. It is immensely fun.
    Dr. Jones, on how Milo plans to get out of this mess: "So, he hires the best lawyer in the history of the world."
    Leigh Ann and I, eyes narrowed: "Cicero."
    Dr. Jones: "What if I were to just make you do the first sentence?"
    Lowell: *looks at the text* *strangled noise* "The first sentence is the entire paragraph!!"
    And an awesome first sentence it is. Or first half, at least, divided by an editorially-inserted semicolon. It took me most of third period to figure it out, but it made perfect sense once I did so. One of the most fun sentences I've ever translated. Whee!
    And yay, I now have a language category!
    – ToM
  6. ToM Dracone
    ... Well, they would if there were more than one of them.
    That's the problem with making MOCs of protodites: they always try to eat you ... At least if you're a Toa ... or anything from the Bionicle world, really ... *resists urge to stroke the protodite and runs in the opposite direction*
    (I need to update this more often.)
    – ToM
  7. ToM Dracone
    Goodness, it's been a while since we've had one of these. Almost two years since the last one, not counting EpicFest. But meh. The theme is different from either of the previous SSCs, so ...
    Go check it out!
    – ToM
  8. ToM Dracone
    Yes. I have at last updated the ToM Kit 2. *brushes dust off the kit*
    Sprites of note include rotations of the Calix and Suletu (that mask is murderous to sprite from a 3/4 view), as well as the full array of artillery brandished by the Inika. As well as random individual sprites specified in the topic ...
    And three surprise sprites in various places.
    – ToM
  9. ToM Dracone
    I liked that writing class very much, but a pencil and paper in front of me invariably lead to doodles ...

    A generic anthropomorphized forest-dragon. (They can go back and forth between bi- and quadrupedal forms.) I want to CG it at some point ...

    And a sea serpent. Because sea monsters are cool. And I didn't feel like drawing another dragon.
    ... Yeah.
    – ToM
  10. ToM Dracone
    I was bored a few days ago, so I whipped up a couple of Matoran – Huki, since I had his 2003 self standing around, and Shenyu, since I still needed to finish him. Unfortunately it required partially demembrating Toa Shenyu to get some of the dark blue sockets, but I'm planning on rebuilding Toa Shenyu at some point anyway.

    Topic, if anyone's interested. I'll add them to the Most Recent MOC block sometime ... I'd still like some reviews for Ninjo, though ...
    In other news, yesterday I got a haircut. And now it feels and looks really short, even though it isn't ... my hair is never either really short or long. It's always somewhere in between. Before I got it cut, it went down to about halfway over my eyes (straightened) and halfway covered the back of my neck. Now it ... doesn't. It looks short, though it's probably only about an inch shorter ...
    Also, aquamarine eyes in a light grey Toa head look totally awesome.
    – ToM
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