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About Takadix

  • Birthday 07/13/1996

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Space...the final...oh wait thats copying XD
  • Interests
    1.) BIONICLES >:) they rock my socks if i wore any :l ah well, I am sertain to bore you all in my exsteanded anoyance tyty srry i might be on the bright side some days and the dull 'dark side' other days :I (<--cute smiley) Oh and the Alien movies <3 <3 LUV um!! soooo cool :D<br />P.s parden me for the terrible spwlling problem :P

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    Arnt I evil?

Takadix's Achievements


Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. hia person, wanna GS in my comic series

  2. Sister... get posting or DIE!!!


  3. *beep beep beep*warning, technologically inept in vicinity

    warning technologically inept in vicinity


  4. Lately, a lot of people have been telling me that my username is cool... I think you're all part of a conspiracy... Seriously... :P

  5. So? Doesn't matter. I was right and you were WRONG!! MWAHAHAHA!

  6. Sorry i couldnt aprove your friend request sooner i couldnt figure out how to look at myPMs XD

  7. Sweet name! sounds just like a friend i know named Jake XD

  8. :/ ...air still makes no sence besides i said *ROOF*

  9. I said: "What's up?"

    You said ceiling.

    But its air.

  10. wait i cant remember what i said last...air what?

  11. >.>

    Don't you mean air?

  12. They sky O_O oh wait i mean the roof!

  13. Bling! Blang!

    Fling! Flang!


  14. Ive been good ^^ how was your Thanksgiving?

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