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Status Updates posted by ~Spark~

  1. Oh, 'kay. Have you seen any of Season of TCW?

  2. Welcome to BZPower!

  3. Is the quote in your sig from 300?

  4. Hey, have you seen 365 Days of Bionicle recently? It has become a big success!

  5. So when you say "Moa" do you mean "Moe" XP

  6. Yeah, I can't play any instruments, I plan to learn the Cello though.

  7. Um, I think so, lemme check.

  8. Well, my project 365 Days of Bionicle has been a big success, and my friend Raiko is back on more often.

    Also, I found a The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya fan site, they have a really nice group of people on there forums.

  9. Hey Tsukasa-san, long time no see, how is it going?

  10. Glad to see you're helping Awilda out.

  11. Thanks, man B) Do you like Orchestra's?

    I plan to try and play in one someday.

    P.S. K-ON has a great soundtrack.

  12. Oh, I'm on episode 19 of the second season, it is better than ever!

  13. Yeah, what episode are you on?

  14. That was awesome what you did on Awilda's blog *Round of applause* Also WHAAAAAAAT! K-ON Personal pic!!!!! I'm a huge fan of K-ON!

  15. Yeah, they Ice/White sets are always cool.

    I watch(ed) TMOHS, Lucky Star and a few others.

  16. Wow, $21! and I thought I was getting a bad deal!

    Hey, are you into anime?

  17. Nope, it is a photo project, check out the topic.

  18. Yeah, Bionicle sets are expensive here too :( almost $17 with tax, lots of taxes GST, PST, and now they are combined to make HST :(

  19. Yeah, did you think I was in Indonesia?

    Meh, Canada is ok.

  20. Yeah, I was just reading the interest section.

  21. Oh, season 2 comes out of DVD and Blu-Ray after the premier of season 3, so you'll be behind a bit :( As long as you watch it that is good! :D

  22. Yeah, it was a good episode! Season 3 starts tomarrow!

  23. Oh, cool, you've been to London!

  24. Really? I didn't even know you could have them in a contest.

    Hope you win anyways.

    Have you seen 365 Days of Bionicle?

  25. The Clone Wars one? or the anime one?

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