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John Sheppard

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    1. This is not stolen from Zev-Err, Mistgun's profile.

    1a. This is not stolen from Blackout's profile.

    1b. It is. -Mckay

    2. Mckay is not allowed to be Pitied.

    2a. Aww, my cat died - Mckay

    2b. I'm sorry - Emmagan

    2c. Do you even bother to read the rules?

    3. Zev-err, Mistgun is not allowed to play with that child.

    3a. Hey Zev! Someone's come to Play! - Weir

    4. Sheppard is not allowed to turn his Christmas list into a Viral E-Mail.

    4a. Sheppard is not allowed to turn ANYTHING into a Viral E-Mail.

    5. Guys, Mckay's being Pitied by Ronon - Becket

    5a. Ronon, stop Pitying Mckay - Sheppard

    6. The rules are not for Discussion.

    7. Becket, keep those Wraith away from Mckay. They make him scared, and we Don't want that - Sheppard.

    7a. Well, where else am I meant to put them? - Becket.

    7b. Anywhere but Here - Sheppard.

    8. Mckay has got hold of Sex on fire by Kings of Leon - on Karaoke CD. he must be Stopped, no matter the cost - Optimus Prime

    8a. 'Aight, who let Optimus onto this Profile? - Sheppard


    9a. We were wrong, Mckay. You DO Rock - Sheppard

    10. Stop picking your nose.

    11. 'Aight, Who stole the chocolate? - Sheppard

    11a. *Cleans chocolate from around mouth* - Mckay

    12. Space. The Final Frontier. - Picard.

    12a. Was that really neccesary - Becket

    13. Ughh.... Huhh..... Wuuuhhhh..... - Dying Guy

    14. *Flaming*

    14a. *Flaming* - Becket.

    15. Runescape is not a Substitute for Real Life.

    15a. Neither is WoW.

    15b. We're eying you as well, Everquest.

    16. Bleach is for cleaning the inside of Toilets out with, not reading.

    16a. What kind of Bleach are you thinking about? - Zev

    16b. Both - Sheppard

    17. Use of the BAD### FLYING PIRATE is Prohibited.

    17a. Still, we're not denying it's BAD###ERY - Weir.

    18. Manga references are Hereby Banned.

    18a. I Don't Believe it. - Ronon.

    18b. Believe it! - Naruto

    19. Blackout is not allowed anywhere Near this profile.

    19a. Neither are you, Evac.

    19b. Stupid Re-colors.

    20. The words "Six" and "Rings" may no longer be used in the Same Sentance.

    20a. SIX RINGS - Antagonist

    21. I [i] Can [/i] Believe it's not Butter.

    22. Rule 21 also applies to Chimoru.

    22a. And it's rip-off, I Can't believe it's not Chimoru - Sheppard

    22b. And yes. I CAN believe it's not Chimoru - Sheppard

    22c. BELIEVE IT! - Naruto

    23. Naruto is hereby Banned from this Profile.

    24. The Following statements are banned: "Lolwut", "AWESOME!!", "Chow", "OH YEAH!", "OWNED!", "YOUR MUM!" and "~"

    24a. Lolwut? - Sumiki

    25. US Crime dramas owned UK Crime dramas.

    26. B:MM Is hereby banned from hosting his own Contest.

    26a. Who gave you that right? - Bariakk: Magnan Masterner

    26b. I DID - Mckay

    27. Makutaklak cannot has Death Protection.

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  1. Excuse ME, but it's against the cheese to not surprise free rules to no-one who misses your bed. Don't be offered if you find your profile breaking. Everyone visits the cheese and gets away with it.

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