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Posts posted by Will_billy

  1. Battlefeild topic? YEAH.

    - I'm against Call of Duty just as much as the next Battlefield fanboy, but I don't want anything regarding the silly debate on which is better here. None. At all.

    Daaaw. TRANSITION I've played a 1942 or whatever demo, and found the game slow, and the controls... Odd? Jets especially. I know that's realistic, but still... I'm a COD fan though, so my opinion is probably invalid. :/ Unlike others, I'm fine with Bf.
  2. I really hope I can buy this game soon. I'll probably get it by the end of the week. I know it's horrible to the victims, but does anyone else find greifing hilarious? Especially when its done well, like an entire wooden city burning? TRANSITION Supposedly enchanting is overpowered. Any thoughts on the subject?

  3. Wow, this is awesome! I love how the body works, it's very streamlined. The colors are nice, and it's all very accurate. I have some critique, though. I think the "head" should be a litle... Bigger? and the eye maybe could be extended, and a pure yellow. I would also like to see more tubes and wires, but I'm not sure if they would look out of place or not.

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