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Everything posted by Will_billy

  1. I'm back, baby. Hail to the king.

  2. Will_billy

    Wait What

    Why do I have a blog i um wat do i get a prize for bzp being offline? Because I hope it's permanent
  3. Wow, this is amazing for a TSMOC! I love how it all blends nice, with no gaps. The legs are probably the best leg design i've seen yet, actually. But i MUST ask, HOW THE HECK ARE THOSE ARMS MADE? I MUST MAKE THEM!
  4. Battlefeild topic? YEAH. Daaaw. TRANSITION I've played a 1942 or whatever demo, and found the game slow, and the controls... Odd? Jets especially. I know that's realistic, but still... I'm a COD fan though, so my opinion is probably invalid. :/ Unlike others, I'm fine with Bf.
  5. I really hope I can buy this game soon. I'll probably get it by the end of the week. I know it's horrible to the victims, but does anyone else find greifing hilarious? Especially when its done well, like an entire wooden city burning? TRANSITION Supposedly enchanting is overpowered. Any thoughts on the subject?
  6. Wow, this is awesome! I love how the body works, it's very streamlined. The colors are nice, and it's all very accurate. I have some critique, though. I think the "head" should be a litle... Bigger? and the eye maybe could be extended, and a pure yellow. I would also like to see more tubes and wires, but I'm not sure if they would look out of place or not.
  7. The new bzpower is SO WEIRD. I dont even know what happens when I hit "Update" under this little chat-box! Here's to exploration!

  8. Thanks, I just hope that the topic starter will continue the story, and not be upset by everybody else.

  9. Ever notice that in the books, there's only like one or two sentences about the character's death when it happens? Most of the discussion/questions/crying happen pages, sometimes chapters later. It's kinda odd. Less of an impact.
  10. Will_billy

    Bring Back Teal!

  11. Will_billy

    Wat The Cee

  12. Will_billy

    New Av/banner

  13. ... Either you're pulling my leg, and are plotting a super update at the last second, or you are have a sick sense of humor. And it was my favorite topic...
  14. ...And not even a report of your topic, or a closing post, or anything? No quick sum-up of the rest of the plot? Nothing? :VERYsadface:
  15. Are there ropes on the ceiling? No? I GIVE UP WHAT IS IT
  16. Anyone notice that the injuries came back when we got near the dummy? And that the fizzles cleared up when we left the box? And that theory about the whole, "Remove the block killing thing" is a viable argument. I would agree, but there was no picture of a person... And the block could have been a booby trap, that hit Marie, as I said before. IE a wall, that when pushed, shoots out arrows at the pusher. because Marie is most likely "Dead", she could keep going, after getting hurt.
  17. Will_billy


    BLABLABLA MISTER FREEMAN. If I wasn't committed to my computer-based thing I would take that and become... THE G-MAN
  18. He is? But his awesome should clear that up shortly.
  19. BUT GLaDOS DESERVES #1 And how is Gman not on there at all I knew who HE was before I even heard of half life.
  20. Super-star Rider Gear Rider Shadow the rider
  22. FYI, that waving thing was to test if Marie is sane/mirror world/other things that would happen after she waves. And how come she isn't injured in these fizzles? ONE MOOOOOOORE THING. Is Marie still mad at us? Of is the fizzle caused by something else now. ONE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE THING. if we yell at Marie to kill people with knives/guns will we get fizzles whenever we want? EDIT: Why Is this Blawg suddenly unpopular? Did I do something?
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