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Well, the old Minecraft topic is on the old forums, so I figured I'd jump at this chance to create a new one. So, anyone played the new prerelease yet?
Hey y'all! Just wanted to share a project that I've been working on, I'm building the island of Metru Nui, as much to scale as I can. Here's some shots of an earlier draft of The Coliseum and the central island! Coliseum2.jfif Coliseum5.jfif
I made a video regarding a Bionicle Themed Minecraft MMORPG Server Check it out The Server has been in process since 2014, Developed by only 3 people who put over 1000 hours of work invested into Terraforming, Building, Server Programing and creation of Custom textures & Models.[/size] Empire of Toa promises to bring a breath of Fresh Air into the Minecraft MMORPG community, as most Minecraft MMOs follow the same aesthetic of an Medieval Fantasy World filled with Orcs, Undeads and Magic. Empire of Toa follows a theme of a Tropical Island with Biomechanical creatures and Powerfull Warriors whose power comes from their Masks.[/size] At the beginning the player will be able to pick an elemental class (Fire,Water,Air,Stone,Earth & Ice) and starts his journey on a random coast of the island, Quests will be mostly given by the the Villagers of the island known as the Matoran, who awaited your arrival as part of a prophecy to stop the Dangerous creatures that have been attacking their villages. The leveling experience is based on questing, completing co-op Dungeons and unmasking the dark secret that lies beneath the island.[/size]
So i've been making Metru Nui in minecraft. It's not much so far, messing with designs and stuff for the chutes and whatnot in another world and messing with the biomes more than anything, but it's there. The main trouble i'm having right now is the size. See that grid it's on? Each of those is a 2048x2048 meter map. The entirety of the place is 28 of those. It's huge. I'm a bit in over my head. If anybody wants to help work on it, I would appreciate it because on friendly estimation it would take 12 years for me, using my free time, to complete this. Update 9/28/2022: My place burned and i'm only now getting back to it. Restarting from scratch. ugh. Should I do it full scale or height scale? Update 2/19/2023: Got a second person to help with working on it and input. Biome coordinated and terrain coordinated the different metru. Took alot of trial and error to get the height to width rations done, but it looks so much nicer than other attempts.
The following was shared with BZPower through the LEGO Ambassador Network.
---BZPCraft Adventure 1--- Aim of Adventure: Reach the Nether Adventure Begin: 'Notes Howdy folks! Welcome to BZPCraft, were your word is law (most of the time)! This is a simple command based CYOA series with a fixed goal every season. Send your commands in via comment below or PM, either works. Control our silent protagonist here, and hopefully you can guide him safely through this terrifying world of blocks to complete his tasks! Now, let's get adventuring!
Hello, everyone! I haven't been active on BZP for quite some time now, but I felt that it might be worthwhile to share my project with you folks (especially seeing as I've already posted it on other sites). So, without further adieu, I give you my... Okoto Minecraft Map My goal in creating this world was to make a virtual representation of Okoto that features everything that we've actually seen in the story, as well as give players the chance to traverse the island on their own accord. It's kind of like an experiment in that it shows us exactly how much we've truly learned about the island. Here's what you can expect to find... The City of the Mask Makers: More And yes, most of the undead are present! Unfortunately, I was unable to make Scorpio happen. There's just nothing in game that looks remotely like him. The skull warriors spawn in waves(as long as there is someone within 50 meters of the gate). Skull Slicer can be summoned in the arena! He boasts more health than a normal skeleton and will occasionally use a grabber whirlwind attack to try and pull you in. He usually drops his grabber claw upon death. Kulta is found in the forge. By default he has 100 health and will occasionally use his Mask Steal attack(which breaks nearby players' headgear. This includes masks!) He also gains significant speed, strength, and regen buffs after donning the mask of creation, not to mention the inherent protection bonus. Whoops! Forgot to mention that Kulta drops The Mask Stealer Staff which, after being held for a sufficient period of time, charges up the same attack that Kulta can use on you. You'll begin to see red particles around you when it's ready, then all you have to do is sneak! If you beat him after he puts on the MoC, he will drop that as well. Given how poorly documented its powers are, I just gave it a protection 10 enchantment. It's nothing fancy, but it's better than a diamond helmet at the very least. Skull Basher is around too. I'll let him find you. Mask Shrines and Powers More All of the island's mask shrines are present. It would also seem that the Toa have left behind their basic masks... Perhaps these will be of use to you? Bear in mind that I took these screenshots before I implemented the masks, so they aren't on the pedestals. Don't worry, they will be there in game. For the record, I'm not really sure why the images are all different sizes Here are the abilities granted by the masks: -Holding Sneak with the mask of stone donned will activate the sandstorm tornado ability and lift you into the air! -Sprinting with the mask of air for extended periods of time will build up a speed and jump boost, eventually allowing you to clear huge tracts of land in a single bound! -Holding sneak for a(particularly long) period of time with the mask of ice equipped will charge up and project an elemental ice shield around the wearer. -Holding sneak for a short period of time with the mask of water donned will activate the tidal dash ability, giving the wearer speed, strength, and regeneration for 10 seconds. Additionally, the mask of water greatly improves swim speed. -Once a player has worn the mask of earth for a certain length of time, they will begin to emit purple particles. This indicates that, upon sneaking, they will create a tremor in the ground around them and pull nearby entities under. -The mask of fire functions in a similar fashion to the mask of earth; after an extended period of time with the mask on, the player will begin to emit flame particles. This means that, upon sneaking, they will release a burst of flame in multiple directions and create a blazing inferno around them.(Be advised; this one is somewhat buggy and may cause lag issues if used too often.) I did film myself demonstrating each mask, but for whatever reason the files got corrupted. I'll give it another go at some point, but for now I'll just leave you with footage of the mask of stone: Additional notable locations: More There are a few other places worth traveling to... Download: If you're interested in seeing the map firsthand, you can download it... here Make sure that you play it in the 1.9 snapshots, otherwise it will not work! Lastly, here's an overview of the map(as seen in worldpainter). Disregard the lack of snow in that render; it didn't account for biomes. Thanks for stopping by! Edit: Spoiler tags converted to "more" tags; please use spoiler tags for storyline spoilers only! -Wind-
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This topic is created so I, DarkCloud, can explore new youtubers. I love youtube and use it for my news, education, and entertainment. I believe I am subscribed to a vast variety of youtube channels. I feel like me sharing these channels, with you, will make you laugh, cry, and become smart. I also want to expand the people I am subscribed to. Here are my subs organized: 9 Collections Entertainment 22 channels Gaming 45 channels HermitCraft 14 channels Mindcrack 25 channels Pranks 11 channels Science 20 channels Tech/Shows 38 channels Vlogs/News 10 channels Yogscast 18 channels
This is a topic for discussing the new Lego video game, Lego Worlds! What do you think of the game? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate it? In comparison to other Lego games, how good is it? What have you built in the game? What's your favorite part about the game? Are you looking forward to getting it or do you already have it? What would you want to see added to the game? I'm really really REALLY excited about Lego Worlds and can't wait to buy it! From the videos I've seen of it, it looks awesome! Here are some things I would want to be added to the game (that aren't already going to be added like LDD model importing (which is already possible through a manual method) and online multiplayer): CCBS/Constraction PartsMore NPCs and animals (all the collectable minifigures ever released, pigs, and chickens)Minecraft sets (because placing the Lego form of the "Lego of the digital world" in a digital Lego world would be wonderfully meta and hilarious)Lego Dimensions character support (Dimensions minifigs can come with codes you can enter to unlock them in Worlds)At least one Lego Universe or Lego Island easter egg/referenceThe ability to play as a Hero Factory minifigure (or possibly Bionicle minifigs, should that ever happen? Lego Friends is already a thing with a bit of minor modding to unlock unused characters)The ability to custom-generate worlds, such as a superflat world or one-biome-only world, like in Minecraft.Some sort of equivalent to Minecraft's Redstone of the Lego Universe Property Behaviors to allow for custom interactivity and contraptions. I want this the most.Feel free to discuss your thoughts and opinions on Lego Worlds! Technical Stuff: For modders and people wanting to skip collecting everything. How to unlock any character or vehicle, including unused ones (Become a Lego Friend! ) How to fly and change jumpheight, as well as walk under the ocean and other abilites How to import LDD models Other important technical info (thanks to here): The game renders using chunks like in Minecraft. Each chunk is 32x32 studs.When you first start playing on a world, you will spawn somewhere near 2,048 X-coordiante and 2,048 Z-coordinate. This seems to imply that the worlds are 4,096x4,096 chunks, assuming X: 2,048 & Z: 2,048 is the center of the world. This would mean that worlds are 65,536 studs long.Trying to go outside the map boundaries will crash the game. This is confirmed for going to chunk -1 on the X-axis, and is presumably also true for the Z-axis and for chunk 4,096 in each axis.The chunk filenames are 24-bit integers and each axis is 12-bits, interleaved. So a filename for a chunk would be in this format: "XZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZ".The game saves any unmodified chunks, as well as whatever was in memory when you quit, AKA the nearest chunks and everything within a short distance from you. This means the game will load in the area around you quickly when you return to the game. Unmodified chunks that are not loaded in memory will not be saved and will be re-generated from the world's seed as you travel near them when you reload the world.
It this topic we will share different tips on Minecraft. If you have any questions ask away! If you have the answers help a friend out. Beginning I start my minecraft world out a little differently. The first thing I do is collect wood and create a pickaxe. That is normal, but then I go straight to a body of water. I find a good edge and begin digging a 10x8x9 hole. I make this exactly one block from the water. While I did the hole I smelt glass. I place this glass two blocks below the top of the hole. This separates the hole into two parts. Next, I create an entrance to my hole. I either build a stairwell, ladder, or water passage out. Water passage is the safest and is mob proof. This is creates by making a hall towards the water until you reach the water. Then,contain the water. Now, you are able to swim up and down into your hole. By this time it should be night. Before the mobs start spawning remove the top two layers of blocks holding up the water. Now, you have a nice hole. Create a stone slab floor during your long night and use oak wood and logs for your walls. In the morning, you will need food. Collect it and go mining. All you need is enough to make a set of armor. Then, I set off to create a farm.
So I decided to make a list of everybody on BZP who plays Minecraft. This is the result. Note that I have either forgotten or do not know the usernames of some members-these instances are marked with an N/A. If your username is not on this list or marked with an N/A, feel free to PM me or leave a comment below, and I'll add you. There's also a Minecraft server for BZPers. IP is Rules are no griefing, no stealing, no killing people who are working, and no swearing(48-hour ban). Burnmad is the owner. This server is no longer active. If a new BZP server springs up, I'll add it here. If anyone wants to make a server, please do and mention it in the official topic. So without further ado, here you are: BZP [Minecraft] Alex Humva [dralexhumva] Artezza Trigger [ArtezzaTrigger] Avohkah Tamer [AvohkahTamer] Bambi [Wolveon] BBCCD [Awesomesaurus] BenLuke-116 [KethryeNuva] Beardy Spoon [Claghorn_Tull] BioBeast [bioBeast] BlueFire [TAHU2014] Bonkle [Kultax] Bulik [Octagonal] Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons [burnmad] BZP Blade [bZP_Blade] Chro [ChroOmega] Chols [CholsTheWolf] cobui [Cobui] Commander Helios [C_Helios] ConTradictheory [xianyu118] Cosmic Titan [wilfreandvezon] Dallior [whoviangamer08] Ddude the Insane [Destin_Faroda] Dual Matrix [Themightymeisme] Eastonium [Kickflip645] Emperor Sirius [ToaDriken] Electric Turhak [Ektris] N/A [Ethreal] Flipz [_Flipz_] Golden Emporer Bolshak [gdfgdfgdfice] helryx280 {furno5943] iBrow [ibrow] Jedi Master J. [JMJ2011} karpinskijd [FireEmblemBZP] Kohu. [meblaylock] Kovika [MataNuiFilms] Luna [Tag533] Makuta Miras [Toa_Freddo] Makuta of Comedy [MakutaofComedy] ~MatoroIgnika~ [MatoroIgnika] Mizkio [mizkio] Nara [nara567] Onarax [1234goofy] Orino Ryuujin [LaughinManBZP] Petewa [Drysdalez] Ptolemiaos [Ptolemic] Phovos the Raptor [N/A] Piraka~Mistika [piraka_mistika] Portalfig [Tavahka] PurpleBouncy [GetYourWings] rahkshi guurahk [quantummetalbric] Roablin [Roablin] Rokoro [Lord_of_Potatoes] An Edible Explosion [skrief] Scanty Demon [Phantom_Vriska] Shadow_Ignited [OscarTeddy] SPIRIT [HeroicSpirit] Tenebrae Invictus [TenebraeInvictus] The Invisible Noob [madufruit42] thelonewander [thelonewander117] The X [XXaron] thoron [mtmerrick] Toa Ekorak [MCenderdude] Toa Onaku [herrabanani] toa ordaku [1adude] Toa Zehvor Blackout [ToaBlackout] Toa Zehvor MT [TheBlarghMan] TreloManka [mario1437] Xaeraz [NewAgeRetroHippie] Zakaro [JustZakaro] Zatth [kanohizatth] ZokInsaneMathWizard [ZokMathWizard] Total: 65 Last updated 10/8/2015. ~Unit#phntk#1
Presentation From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set. The box for The End is an obsidian block. I was at first confused by this, as I usually associate obsidian with going to the Nether and expected an end stone block instead. But then I remembered there's all those obsidian towers in The End and it's just a more recognizable block overall, so I guess it does make sense. Either way it still looks cool and is another neat design to have lined up on a shelf with the other boxes. Inside the box are two instruction booklets, a handy brick separator, and five bags of parts. Building Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it? The End sees a somewhat disappointing return to the norm for the Minecraft Micro World sets that The Nether temporarily broke. It is a standard build of creating an underground portion on a plate, a little bit of aboveground scenery on a plate, stacking them, and repeating four times. It's really rather disappointing, made worse by the fact that The End's really just a boring place. It should truthfully all be in just one color to truly replicate end stone, which is all that there is in that dimension, but fortunately the designers thought to break that up by introducing other shades amongst the bricks. I am more than okay with this because it makes it slightly less boring - but only slightly. On only the second portion, I had tired already of such an incredibly repetitive build. All the other micro world sets varied in many ways what was going on both above and below ground, but The End does not even remotely do so (not that the source allowed that, granted). But you what to know what's the worst part of all during the entire build? How scattered the pieces are amongst the bags! Some are available in relatively extremely low quantities, like those to the Ender Dragon and Endermen. Finding them, which is supposed to be done first according to the instructions, was a genuine pain. One would think that because so many pieces in the exact same tan color that finding anything else would be easy, but it was quite the opposite. Set Design Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here Remember before how I've complained about wanting more of the mobs out of these micro world sets? Well, The End at least fixed that. We get four Endermen, who I find to be a generally cool design and as expected feature unique printed pieces to replicate their eyes. The only downside I really see to them is that they can't turn their heads and have their arms raised, but that's the kind of sacrifices expected at such a small scale. The Ender Dragon is really cool. The only thing really keeping it from being perfect in my eyes is the lack of a mouth. A wide, gaping jaw is just something any dragon needs. The main island is, as I've said, quite boring. I'm glad that some color variance was introduced into the end stone to add something to look at, but… Well, The End was always a bit of a disappointment when it comes to cool factor, so it wouldn't be fair to blame the designers here of course. They did recreate the island pretty faithfully in the 3D world. The top of The End at least has some interesting things to look at. A big End Portal takes up a quarter of the area, complete with a dragon egg. Which is a bit contradictory since this shouldn't appear if the dragon's still around... oh well. It still looks nice. Dotted all around are the obsidian towers, and they even have Ender Crystals on top! These are my favorite part. Literally. I have never seen these smooth round plates before, but I do love them. And the translucent purple color they're cast in is gorgeous. Playability The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with? What may come as a bit of a surprise for the micro world line, The End actually has a degree of playability! The Ender Dragon has articulated wings and an articulated neck, so you can mix up how it looks. Plus it's a dragon. Everyone wants to whoosh a dragon around in the air. The Endermen can also kind of do things. You can slide a brick in-between their arms to emulate them stealing a block, but of course they do slide out easily. Because of how they're designed, you cannot plug a plate in sideways either, so all you can do is wedge them. As for the rest of The End... Eh. If you have a Steve from the original CuusooIdeas set, I suppose you could have him exploring or mining. But nobody seriously does that in Minecraft proper because, yes, it is boring. Final Thoughts Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it? Pros What's to like? Plentiful mobsEnder Dragon is a fun buildMore beautiful trans purpleCons What's not to like? Boring to look atBuild is far too repetitiveJust boring(Yay giant mini mob army!) So it seems my predication way back when The Village and The Nether first came out of The End being next came true. Unfortunately, I also completely called how utterly boring a set devoted to just it would be. That's the real shame here. No, there wasn't much they could have done with just The End itself. It's an uninspired place even within the Minecraft game, and this set does recapture it to a fault. As a standalone set, I advise passing, and even for those who got the others, it might be a questionable buy. Perhaps it is best that the future of Minecraft LEGO lies in the minifig scale, which already looks like it will be having some pretty unique and varied sets. I still love these micro world sets for the little diorama pieces that they are (and would still buy additional biomes for sure). The End certainly delivers there. It's just a disappointing sendoff, if that is what it really is.
(Note: This is a repost of a lost review, so some content is out-of-date.) Presentation From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set. So The Nether box is a lava block. It's awfully fitting and looks pretty cool lined up with the others. Just like The Village, there is no reference to Cuusoo anywhere. Inside the box we've got the standard two instruction booklets and brick separator, as well as five bags of parts. (I accidentally deleted the picture of the bag sandwich soooo whoops.) Building Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it? So after just two sets, there's already a standard build to be expected in the Minecraft line, what with that same build being repeated four times in each set. Build a cave segment on a larger plate, build a bit of aboveground scenery on another plate, and cap the cave with it. Then we get to The Nether. This set breaks the mold and I love it. Yes, everything's still built on a large plate, but you need a base, and of course most everything's still tiles and plates. The similarities stop there. The segments of The Nether are not tiered, so already it's a fun build at the start. After the third segment, though, you realize that yet again these four are pretty much identical to each other, and that's somewhat disappointing. Being different from the other two sets still helps a lot. Also, how they pulled off the Ghasts was genius. They're built upside down to get the slanted pieces to act as tentacles and it is pretty cool. Set Design Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here Unique to The Nether we have the three printed blocks for the mobs. Because they're all larger bricks, that does mean we don't get extras to make more of our own mobs, like we could with the ones made with tiles. That's a big shame, but really just for the Pigman. Having two Ghasts is already an improvement compared to any other mob, but I'd probably have dropped one for a Blaze to get some more diversity. And that portal… It's beautiful. I love this transparent purple so much. As for The Nether itself… More properly, this set should have been called Nether Fortress. That's not a bad thing, that's just what it is: a fortress. It does fairly accurately recreate how fortresses in the Nether usually are encased in the side of Netherrack mountains and I like it. Playability The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with? Playing with this set is… annoying. While I really like the design choices of the Ghasts, it does make it nearly impossible to get them to stand as they just want to fall forward. If you can find a wall to lean them into or nestle into a hole, they work out, but otherwise good luck. There's also the fact that Ghasts are supposed to fly, but I think we can look past that here. Otherwise it’s just the standard fare of plopping down your mobs wherever you want, even bathing them lovingly in lava. Probably the best part of this whole set is the Nether portal and how you can just do whatever you want with it. Like throw the portal up in The Village and have the Pigman invade, with only Steve and his trusty pig to defend the realm. Because why not? Final Thoughts Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it? Pros What's to like? Unique buildAwesome mobsBeautiful trans purpleCons What's not to like? Only one Nether portalHard to make the Ghasts standSo… We're growing our mob army quite nicely. If you're a Minecraft fan, you need this set. I'd say you need all of them, but really The Nether is a more essential piece than its sister set The Village. It's a unique build and a more iconic location in Minecraft. I'd also say it's more worth the price to me, which is still a little high, I'll admit. But it's at least still around, unlike the immediate sellout of the initial Cuusoo set, so hopefully it'll stay affordable for a little while. The Nether is also a very interesting inclusion in the line. I can only hope that next up we'll have The End, complete with Enderman and Ender Dragon (and ideally be half The End, since really that's kind of boring, and half fortress – now that would be a unique set). Really, any continuation of this new line will be welcomed here.
(Note: This is a repost of a lost review, so some content is out-of-date.) Presentation From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set. The design of the box should come as no surprise to those who have seen the original Minecraft set. But! This time, it's a wooden plank! It shows off the set and the micromobs and the back advertises LEGO Cu-… wait. It advertises the other two Minecraft sets? Cuusoo is mentioned nowhere in this set. So very much unlike its predecessor, Cuusoo #3 Minecraft, The Village and its sister set The Nether are one hundred percent their own line. The original is even retroactively added to it according to the instructions here, now labeled “The Forest.” Anyways, once you bring yourself to pop the box open, you'll be presented with two instruction booklets, a brick separator, and six bags of parts. Building Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it? So you want to build The Village, huh? Better give yourself plenty of time, because although it's simple and straightforward, being entirely composed of tiles and plates means you've got a lot of pieces to sift through. Seriously, you'll be pulling from all six bags in some steps; placement for some parts seems pretty random and will take some digging. That said, the build also isn't anything exciting, especially if you've already built The Forest. It felt altogether far too similar, but I guess that should have been expected. Even if you haven't, after you've build one corner, you know what to expect with the other three. I did find piecing together the mineshaft elements and villager homes to be pretty fun though, and the couple of removable walls were unexpected. Set Design Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here There are actually some new molds here! The 1x2 plate with 1 stud finally gets the mold change it always needed - you can actually plug in any stud underneath it now, not just the hollow ones. Besides that, there's plenty of awesome colors included, plenty of extra pieces, and of course the printed tiles for the mobs. Even on the original Steve, I thought they did a really good job with the mob face coming together on the sides of several tiles, and I still think so here. Although I must admit the zombie being two shades of green looks rather weird. The Village fits in really well with the established Minecraft microworld. There's not much more to it than that. It feels like it belongs and very much looks like the expansion it's meant to be. Playability The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with? The Village looks pretty good, but much like the house built in The Forest, I'm very disappointed that the micromobs can't go inside. You can still make some nice dioramas, especially if you make use of the pretty cool mineshaft in the underground layer. We can also finally make use of the axle holes in The Forest without buying duplicate sets to expand our world: Final Thoughts Once it’s all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it? Pros What’s to like? Tons of piecesTons of colorsMore Minecraft is always a good thing.Cons What’s not to like? The build is too similar to The Forest.We've got enough extra tiles to make extra mob heads, so why not just intentionally double them so we have bodies too?Seriously, I want two pigs. How can you not love that face?A big draw here is also building your own world. Now, I like my Minecraft vanilla - no mods here - so I'll be doing the same with my sets, since really I got them as display pieces. But for those of you with creative minds, you've got a plethora of options. It's also pretty cool to grow our overall number of mobs. I would love to complete the micromob collection and have some more unique biomes. When I learned of The Village and The Nether's existence, I was ecstatic. However, The Village really does fall short. Except for the mobs, it's just not adding much new. I could only recommend it for those seriously into the theme. Still, I hope The Village and The Nether sell well so we can get even more released in the brand new Minecraft line.
Image courtesy of Brickimedia As all of you surely know, LEGO Minecraft, a theme that started as a CUUSOO project, has had lots of news around it about new sets, especially those featuring actual minifigures opposed to micro-mobs. This topic here at BZPower is all about these sets, since there wasn't a topic already. Known sets: 21102 Micro World21105 The Village21106 The Nether21107 The End21113 The Cave21114 The Farm21115 The First Night21116 Creative Box21117 The Ender Dragon21118 The MineAs you'll see above, there are several set names that may be unfamiliar. announced these names recently; whether or not they are real is unknown, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're accurate. Full information about the theme can be found at Brickipedia. What are your thoughts on the theme, and especially on the minfigure-scale sets that have been announced?
- I am currently working on a moderator, with the assistance of others, based off of Lego's hit theme Bionicle. It is a work in progress but there are previous working versions, you can access them at the main forum thread here: http://www.minecraft...the-update-log/ It will be story based, with you spawning in like usual, but you will be able to go find villages with Matoran and Turaga in them where you can get assigned quests and trade with them. The initial version of the moderator will be based around the Toa Mata and will include a quest where you will go and search for the Great Kanohi Masks. So far I have completed most of the basic items and have all the mobs ready to be coded in, all I need now is structure generation. Anyone that is good with generating structures, it would be greatly appreciated by all of us if you were to help out. Thanks Edit: Please link to images greater than 500 kB. -Wind-
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Hi, I've been having trouble with Minecraft Comes Alive, an MC mod that enhances villagers. I've put the zipped mod file in the mods folder, downloaded Forge (And installed it), but when I run MC with the Forge profile it only shows the three default mods active: No Minecraft Comes Alive. I also have the most recent versions of MC, MCA and Forge. Can anyone help me with this? Many thanks if you can.[]
Front Face (got purple eyes) Back Side Gallery
INFO:This is the 16x bit version of ToaCraft. ToaCraft is a texturepack based on the discontinued LEGO franchise Bionicle. The Bionicle franchise is centered around uniqe mechanical beeings fighting evil to restore peace to their world. UPDATES:-A TON OF NEW BLOCKS-FINISHED VILLAGERS DOWNLOAD:Link Ad free link32x VersionMinecraft Forum LinkBZPower Forum Link INSTALLATION:1. DOWNLOAD the pack2. Download and install the MCPatcher HD Fix3. Start Minecraft and select the pack TODO LIST:-Passive mobs-Hostile mobs-GUI-Blocks-Items moderator SUPPORT:... MEDIA: FAN VERSIONS:ToaCraft Modified By Darkus1155Bionicle After The Swarm By Datavoltus OTHER BIONICLE x MINECRAFT STUFF:-Empire of Toa, a Bionicle server-Magmasurge, a Bionicle server-Bionicraft, a Bionicle modification-NuiCraft, a Bionicle modification ME: FACEBOOK TWITTER YOUTUBE HELP ME WITH: -YOUTUBE VIDEOES -GUI -PARTICLES
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When you drop into a desert temple to loot the chests, and a creeper follows you down, it really starts to feel like the universe has it in for you.
- Teasing something wonderful.
Review Topic Chapter 1 The Book of Notch Beginning Notch, the creator of the Game. The coder. The leader of the Beings. We have gifted thy this book, and thy must protect this book from Evil. For We have spawned you in a world of challenges. And when thy re-spawn, We shall spawn you in a world of Paradise, But when you defeat the Dragon of Terror before thy re-spawn, We shall gift you abilities beyond comprehension. The Book of Notch, Chapter 1 Jacob the Priest stood firm in the church, praying. He was interrupted when John entered the building. "The villagers need you, Mr. Jacob. They say they have caught a thief." "Let them wait." he said to John "Come here, John. Have you ever wished to go up there, to meet with the Beings, to be at peace for all eternity?" John thought of the question to be strange. Why wouldn't he? He thought for a while, then told Jacob, "Yes. But sometimes, I feel like I don't want to. I'd miss it here." Jacob smiled. "Players. They are Notch's greatest creations, unlike the others, they do not know of their purposes or even their destiny. That's why they choose different paths, so they can search for it. Like you, John" John smiled. "Come on, we can't keep them waiting for too long." They exited the building.
LEGO has announced that it will be releasing minifigure-scale Minecraft sets. Find more information in the video below: You can give your advice on the products, such as answering questions like which Creeper do you like most?
Here are the current layout for times, please let me know when you want to go so I know when everyone is there. Thanks! As a note, all of the times are very loose, we will start when everyone is there. 7 EST: The X Unit Blade 9:45 EST: Burnmad Bambi Nara Unit (Maybe) Blade Scanty Panty Not sure what time: The Lonesome Wanderer
- Scars of the Seven
- Minecraft
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