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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    Feel free to use the avatar & banners below.






  2. HahliLavender
    It's Groundhog Day. A holiday nowhere near as great as Christmas, but not as useless as Arbor Day. So I thought I would post some groundhog trivia.

    (1) The groundhog (binomial name - marmota monax) is also
    referred to as a woodchuck or wistlepig. 
    (2) They eat grass, garden vegetables, leaves, twigs, apples, berries, and even dandelions.
    (3) Groundhogs burrow tunnels up to 5 ft deep, and 45 ft long.
    (4) Common predators of groundhogs include wolves, hawks and owls.
    (5) There's a 1993 movie called Groundhog Day.
    (6) You can learn more about groundhogs at Wikipedia.
    Also, it looks like some groundhogs don't agree on having an early spring.

    6 more weeks of winter — Jimmy the Groundhog, Holtsville Hal
    Early Spring — Punxsutawney Phil, Staten Island Chuck, Wiarton Willie, Shubenacadie Sam and General Beauregard Lee of Georgia, Malverne Me
    * Information brought to you by Wikipedia. *

  3. HahliLavender
    Well, not much happened today. I had summer boredom, so I just played Star Wars: Jedi Knight Academy most of the day. Anyone else have that game? I enjoy it.
    Two of my sisters packed their stuff today. They're visiting a friend in Arizona for a week, and they're leaving Monday. My other two sisters and my parents are going to... Pennsylvania, I think, around the same time, which leaves me. I'm staying at my grandparents house while everyone leaves the state. They have a nice computer though, so I'll still be on BZP.
    Also, I have this awesome leather journal, though I don't exactly write in it anymore, but I really want to do something with it. I was wondering if you have any ideas of what I could keep in it, or how I could use it, or something, because I can't seem to think of what to even write in there. I seem to be having some sort of creativity block. I need inspiration.
    Whoa, I kind of drifted off topic there.
  4. HahliLavender
    Last night I updated my website a little to make it easier to read... in a sense.
    Warning, web talk below. Feel free to skim through, read thoroughly, or skip it enirely.
    Before, all the content was near the bottom of the screen in an iframe. I was going to eliminate the iframe and give every page the header, but that didn't work. Then I thought, "Duh, I'll just add my logo underneath the iframe." So I tried that and it works great! The only problem is in the blog archive for April, when you hold your cursor over any links, the under/overlines don't show up. So untill I figure out how to fix that, it'll be like that.
    End of web talk.
    Well, I guess that's all for now.
    Also, I was just wondering... who else here has Jedi Knight Academy?

  5. HahliLavender
    Y'know, I've watched this community grow since 2003, even though I didn't seem to post often. And for some reason, the end of BIONICLE has made me want to be more active here. I may not be the loudest member, but BZP and BIONICLE are a part of me, so I'll always look at them with fond memories. I still plan on sticking around though. I know this community will likely shrink, but I don't think it will disappear.
    I also don't think we should be mad at LEGO. Not only is it best for them, but it's probably best for us and the overall storyline as well. Nothing here lasts forever; This time had to of come eventually. But I'm thankful for the fun I had with BIONICLE and BZPower. It's because of them that I am who I am. I love drawing and playing around in Photoshop. I never would have known about it as early as I had without BZP's art community. I love photography and filmmaking. BIONICLE figures are what I started on. Various members' expressing their fascination with Japanese manga, anime and music have opened a door for me to my own fascination with those things. Especially the Japanese language and culture. I've learned so much here that was mixed with the fun of BIONICLE that no blog post can express my appreciation.
    Thanks, LEGO and BZPower, for a wonderful decade!
    Let's make this last year of BIONICLE the best year we've had together!
  6. HahliLavender
    I've been updating the look of my blog, profile, avatar, and sig, etc., and I've added some content blocks. One showcasing some of my pixel work, and one dedicated to the Junkbot game on LEGO.com, because It's simply one of the greatest online LEGO games available, IMO. Feel free to use my Micro Kit for whatever reason, granted I receive credit.
    Junkbot Rocks!
    Anyway, now you can browse the various categories of my blog with "Categories of the Rainbow!" And be sure to check out the list of irrational fears in the "Words" block.
    Also, I feel I should mention, I occasionally add little easter eggs in select spots of my blog. Click in the right spot, and surprise!
    Well, I hope you like the new look. Oh, and the silhouette in my profile pic... yeah, that's me.
  7. HahliLavender
    Let's see... I'll start with Wednesday.
    Two days ago I got a haircut. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. (Before, it was just below my ears.) But I like how it looks now. Not too short, but I like it. I don't have a very good past with haircuts. For several years, everywhere I got a haircut, they either cut it shorter than I was comfortable with, or I just didn't like it in one way or another. But I like this haircut.
    Ok, on to yesterday...
    A family in our church gave us free guest passes to an amusement park in Missouri called Silver Dollar City. And we went yesterday along with practically our whole church. It's been about 7 years since I last went to an amusement park. I went to Six Flags in Wisconsin once before.
    I got to go off with one of my friends and go on rides and stuff. There are two major rollercoasters, and I went on them about 6 times each! It was so fun! There were many other rides as well that I went on, but those two rollercoasters were my favorite! I've never been on the back of a rollercoaster before this, but yesterday I did just to know what it was like. I'm never doing that again! I found out that if you sit in the very back of a rollercoaster, there's more pressure and afterwards you feel dizzy and sick. The front is much better. And for me it's more fun! So if you want to feel fast, scared, like you won't survive, or any combination of the three, ride in the front. But if you want to feel compressed with pressure and almost black out then feel sick and dizzy afterwards, ride in the back. According to my experiences anyway.
    My feet were killing me afterwards from all the walking. When we got home, I couldn't wait to get to bed. Fortunately it was a Friday night, so I got to sleep in. I woke up at 10:30 today! In fact, I went to bed at 10:30 last night. Whoa, I slept for 12 hours!
    Also, there was a huge storm last night. B) In case you wanted to know.
  8. HahliLavender
    Books. A great way to melt the boredom blanket which hovers over your otherwise bright summer day.
    I just got back from the library. I cheched out a few calligraphy books, The Ultimate Lego Book, and Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography. My library also has this small room where they sell unused books for 25¢, and I got The Slippery Slope. It's not in the best condition, and I already had that book, but I'm like, why not? I might be able to sell it or something, though I don't think I'd get much for it, seeing it's condition...
    Well, I'm gonna get reading.
  9. HahliLavender
    Wow, I'm mentioned in the news! I never thought that would happen! 
    Well I'm posting this to say what the bonuses are. There are 14 song downloads, a music video, a hidden bonus site and a Bionicle Heroes game demo.
    Note: Whenever you refresh the site, the downloads are either under a different download spot and/or there will be different downloads available.
    Below are the available songs for download.
    Artist ----------- Song
    Love Arcade - Can't Stop
    Damone - Out Here All Night
    The Futureheads - Skip to the End
    Punchline - Don't Try This At Home
    Paramore - Emergency
    Carbon Leaf - Learn to Fly
    The Subways - Oh, Yeah
    Big City Rock - All of the Above
    The Living End - What's On Your Radio
    Zox - Can't Look Down
    French Kicks - So Far We Are
    Over It - Gun Slinger
    The Realistics - Nothing Left to Hide
    From Satellite - Just Another Girl
    I took down the pics showing where you could find the bonuses, because that would take the fun out of finding them.
    (I should of thought of that earlier.)
  10. HahliLavender
    Well, I'm all packed up! Tomorrow morning I'm leaving to Tennessee for a family reunion type thing. I'll be gone for about a week.
    Hopefully We'll get our new van before we leave. They were supposed to bring it from Missouri yesterday, but drove on through to in Texas.
    Also, the temperature here has dropped dramatically. Yesterday was in the 80's, today was in the 60's! Hooray for cooler weather! And it's not humid anymore!
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