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The Explosive Specialist

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Status Updates posted by The Explosive Specialist

  1. I'll wait for a little.

  2. I'm a newbie and I'd really like if someone could help me with things.

  3. I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking. :)

  4. I'm fine thank you. But with Halo Reach everything is Nice "n' toasty.

  5. I'm going to bive you 51 clicks because the gems are worth more.

  6. I'm not a Pineapple person. Maybe Lychee. Or just something that's nice 'n' toasty.

  7. I've played Halo but I don't own it. Also on Call of Duty MW2 I and randomly shoot a total of 8-10 a game.

  8. It's a series about an outside cat from a house pet side. He soon leaves his owners and becomes a part of the Thunderclan as an apprentice. I don't feel like typing much more. You should go to the library to the first book. Into the Wild.

  9. It's been a while, and I'm not to sure if you remember. But, I am back. But, I may not always be here.

  10. It's epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. It's okay I don't mind. Why don't make a few posts if you can?

  12. It's okay. I just did it because I needed to spark my comments. But yes, it's okay you haven't read. It's probably cuz of the school year.

  13. jhyfjhfdrgfzfcgjdgjcjhgcjgfxtrxtrs6432450786ouy;kln.kghhcjgfxghfxfhdzhfd

  14. Lulz. But it's not your birthday. So no birthday.........

  15. Man. I'll be fine. Hope where you move is great.

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