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Posts posted by Primis

  1. Hey everyone, I'm not very active on BZP these days, but I just wanted to share this here.


    I made a TrueType font of the Okoto Alphabet, using the guide at the back of the Gathering of the Toa graphic novel. You can download it here.


    Currently it's just the letters, no numbers since no official Okoto Numerals have been shown (as far as I know). If and when they are, I will go back and add them. Until then, I'm planning on adding the Toa's masks plus a few others in place of actual numbers, like the Mask of Light-era Matoran Font. But that will be a while from now. Hey, look at that, I actually did it. Go me!


    I drew the symbols as perfectly square 9x9 images, so I recommend only sizing this font in multiples of 9, so that it scales properly and doesn't get stretched or squished. The characters are vector images now, so you can disregard this.



    • Upvote 9
  2. Yes, but for all we know, they're the same species at the genetic level and just have different armor to suit their different environments. No way to say one way or the other unless we get an official answer.


    Okay, this is getting ridiculous. You could say that about literally every single non-Matoran species.


    There is absolutely no reason to think that Axonn and Hydraxon are related in any capacity, and I stand by my original statement that if Hydraxon was named something else, then no one would have ever had this thought.


    Just because no one ever said that it isn't, doesn't mean that it is. No one ever said it isn't because there is literally no reason why this should ever come up.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Neither console game were very good, but I'd take BIONICLE: The Game over BIONICLE Heroes any day. It at least wasn't just the same level copy-pasted 24 times.


    I haven't played any of the handheld games for any substantial amount of time, so I can't really comment on them.




    If Hydraxon was named something else would you've ever had this thought? Probably not, because aside from them both being humanoid and partially silver, they don't really look anything alike. At all. Axonn's short and bulky, Hydraxon's taller, thinner and covered in spikes. Hydraxon's face also looks more like a Kiril than anything else, least of all the Rode.


    Honestly, Hydraxon resembles Brutaka more than Axonn.


    I'm short and fairly lean, I have friends who are tall and bulky...going by your logic, I'm not the same species as them.


    I like how you ignored the part about being covered in spikes...


    Because neither me nor my friends are covered in spikes, last I checked. So it wasn't needed to make my point. I didn't ignore it, I omitted it.


    You do realize the spikes thing was part of how different they looked, right? If any of you were covered in spikes, then yes, I would say that you weren't the same species.


    If Hydraxon was named something else would you've ever had this thought? Probably not, because aside from them both being humanoid and partially silver, they don't really look anything alike. At all. Axonn's short and bulky, Hydraxon's taller, thinner and covered in spikes. Hydraxon's face also looks more like a Kiril than anything else, least of all the Rode.


    Honestly, Hydraxon resembles Brutaka more than Axonn.


    I'm short and fairly lean, I have friends who are tall and bulky...going by your logic, I'm not the same species as them.



    I like how you ignored the part about being covered in spikes...

  6. I honestly don't realize how you don't see the resemblence. The "nose" part looks similar, so does the mouth, as well as the smooth "bald" top of the mask/helmet.

    You're too focused on the tiny similarities and are ignoring the plethora of differences. Lots of Kanohi have a smooth forehead, in fact I'd say at least half of them do; doesn't mean they're all related. The Elda and Volitak also have the features you mentioned, so you could say the same about those. Hydraxon's face isn't even a Kanohi, so this is a moot point.


    As far as I know, the only sets that were originally meant to be different characters than they ended up being were Toa Norik and Toa Iruini. Hydraxon having a similar name does not mean he was ever intended to be Axonn. His name is a pun on "Hydro", to go with the underwater theme of the Mahri Nui arc. There's no reason they would've changed Axonn's name anyway; Jaller didn't become Hydraller.

  7. If Hydraxon was named something else would you've ever had this thought? Probably not, because aside from them both being humanoid and partially silver, they don't really look anything alike. At all. Axonn's short and bulky, Hydraxon's taller, thinner and covered in spikes. Hydraxon's face also looks more like a Kiril than anything else, least of all the Rode.


    Honestly, Hydraxon resembles Brutaka more than Axonn.

    • Upvote 2
  8. I first discovered Red vs Blue when Bungie shared the "Sargeisms" video on their site years ago. I bought Seasons 1 - 4 on DVD soon after, right before Season 5 started. I've been a fan ever since.


    RWBY is good too. Volume One had its problems, but I still enjoyed it; Volume Two fixes most of them anyway.


    I don't really keep up with their other shows. I used to watch every new video they posted, but at some point - I think around when RT Life debuted - I just lost track of them. Now there's so many shows I have no idea what's an actual show and what's just an offshoot of RT Life or Achievement Hunter, neither of which I'm particularly interested in.

  9. Hurt Norman Bates, heal Mega Man.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12

    2. Anna: 14

    4. Marth: 10

    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12

    6. Captain Nemo: 13

    7. Samus Aran: 14

    8. Phoenix Wright: 10

    9. Solaire of Astora: 12

    10. Master Chief: 11

    12. Sherlock Holmes: 8

    13. Mega Man: 11

    14. Professor Layton: 11

    16. Darth Vader: 13

    20. Hannibal Lecter: 11

    21. Oberyn Martell: 12

    23. Jaime Lannister: 10

    24. Optimus Prime: 12

    25. Boba Fett: 12

    27. Jack Sparrow: 8

    30. Edward Kenway: 10

    31. Quote: 11

    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 10

    34. Madotsuki: 10

    35. Audrey Parker: 10

    38: The Slender Man: 13

    39: The Courier: 11

    41: The Doctor: 12

    43: Captain Olimar: 10

    44: Scooby Doo: 10

    46: Nathan Drake: 10

    48: GLaDOS: 11

    50: Captain Falcon: 5

    51. George Bailey: 11

    52. James Bond: 10

    53. Norman Bates: 10

    54. Beowulf: 10

    60: Dominic Cobb: 8



    60. Bigfoot

    59. Dwight Schrute

    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind

    57. Superman

    56. Woody the Cowboy

    55. Hazama

    54. Saber

    53. Doc Brown

    52. Jesse Pinkman

    51. Geno

    50. Nick Fury

    49. Sauron

    48. Ren

    47. Yu Narukami

    46. Trevor Phillips

    45. Paper Mario

    44. Hiccup

    43. James T. Kirk

    42: Commander Video

    41. Sonic

    40: Epic Sax Guy

    39: Fawful

    38. Michael Bluth

  10. Where did everyone go?


    Double hurt Michael Bluth.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12
    2. Anna: 13
    4. Marth: 10
    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12
    6. Captain Nemo: 13
    7. Samus Aran: 14
    8. Phoenix Wright: 10
    9. Solaire of Astora: 12
    10. Master Chief: 11
    12. Sherlock Holmes: 8
    13. Mega Man: 10
    14. Professor Layton: 11
    16. Darth Vader: 13
    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10
    21. Oberyn Martell: 12
    23. Jaime Lannister: 10
    24. Optimus Prime: 12
    25. Boba Fett: 12
    26. Michael Bluth: 1
    27. Jack Sparrow: 8
    30. Edward Kenway: 10
    31. Quote: 11
    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 10
    34. Madotsuki: 10
    35. Audrey Parker: 10
    38: The Slender Man: 13
    39: The Courier: 11
    41: The Doctor: 12
    43: Captain Olimar: 10
    44: Scooby Doo: 10
    46: Nathan Drake: 10
    48: GLaDOS: 11
    50: Captain Falcon: 6
    51. George Bailey: 11
    52. James Bond: 10
    53. Norman Bates: 10
    54. Beowulf: 10
    60: Dominic Cobb: 9
    60. Bigfoot
    59. Dwight Schrute
    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind
    57. Superman
    56. Woody the Cowboy
    55. Hazama
    54. Saber
    53. Doc Brown
    52. Jesse Pinkman
    51. Geno
    50. Nick Fury
    49. Sauron
    48. Ren
    47. Yu Narukami
    46. Trevor Phillips
    45. Paper Mario
    44. Hiccup
    43. James T. Kirk
    42: Commander Video
    41. Sonic
    40: Epic Sax Guy
    39: Fawful

    How does that confirm anything of the sort? Rebooting the series wouldn't mean automatically rejecting any new ideas or designs. A reboot could take the series in whatever direction the writers want it to, which includes the possibility of masks, creatures, and concepts that might never have existed in classic BIONICLE.

    You're right, maybe it's not confirmed. But I don't think they would do a reboot without some tie to the past storyline. A golden Kanohi mask wasn't introduced until 2003 (and this is in no way the Avohkii) and before that the conflict was all about the creatures of the island. It wouldn't make any sense to fully rewrite the story and only keep the six Toa the same. I think that a continuation is more likely here.


    There have been gold masks since day one.


    Also, reboot =/= remake. There's no reason why a reboot would have to hit the same notes as the original, it would kind of defeat the point of rebooting. You don't consider Batman Begins to be a remake of the Adam West movie, do you?

    • Upvote 2
  12. Heal Quote, hurt Michael Bluth.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12

    2. Anna: 13

    4. Marth: 10

    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12

    6. Captain Nemo: 13

    7. Samus Aran: 14

    8. Phoenix Wright: 10

    9. Solaire of Astora: 12

    10. Master Chief: 11

    12. Sherlock Holmes: 8

    13. Mega Man: 10

    14. Professor Layton: 11

    16. Darth Vader: 13

    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10

    21. Oberyn Martell: 12

    23. Jaime Lannister: 10

    24. Optimus Prime: 12

    25. Boba Fett: 12

    26. Michael Bluth: 3

    27. Jack Sparrow: 8

    30. Edward Kenway: 10

    31. Quote: 11

    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 10

    34. Madotsuki: 10

    35. Audrey Parker: 10

    38: The Slender Man: 13

    39: The Courier: 11

    41: The Doctor: 12

    42: Fawful: 2

    43: Captain Olimar: 10

    44: Scooby Doo: 10

    46: Nathan Drake: 10

    48: GLaDOS: 11

    50: Captain Falcon: 6

    51. George Bailey: 11

    52. James Bond: 10

    53. Norman Bates: 10

    54. Beowulf: 10

    60: Dominic Cobb: 9



    60. Bigfoot

    59. Dwight Schrute

    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind

    57. Superman

    56. Woody the Cowboy

    55. Hazama

    54. Saber

    53. Doc Brown

    52. Jesse Pinkman

    51. Geno

    50. Nick Fury

    49. Sauron

    48. Ren

    47. Yu Narukami

    46. Trevor Phillips

    45. Paper Mario

    44. Hiccup

    43. James T. Kirk

    42: Commander Video

    41. Sonic

    40: Epic Sax Guy

  13. Heal The Doctor, hurt Norman Bates.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12

    2. Anna: 13

    4. Marth: 10

    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12

    6. Captain Nemo: 13

    7. Samus Aran: 14

    8. Phoenix Wright: 10

    9. Solaire of Astora: 12

    10. Master Chief: 11

    12. Sherlock Holmes: 8

    13. Mega Man: 10

    14. Professor Layton: 11

    16. Darth Vader: 13

    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10

    21. Oberyn Martell: 12

    23. Jaime Lannister: 10

    24. Optimus Prime: 12

    25. Boba Fett: 12

    26. Michael Bluth: 4

    27. Jack Sparrow: 9

    30. Edward Kenway: 10

    31. Quote: 10

    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 10

    34. Madotsuki: 10

    35. Audrey Parker: 10

    38: The Slender Man: 13

    39: The Courier: 11

    41: The Doctor: 12

    42: Fawful: 4

    43: Captain Olimar: 10

    44: Scooby Doo: 10

    46: Nathan Drake: 10

    48: GLaDOS: 10

    50: Captain Falcon: 8

    51. George Bailey: 11

    52. James Bond: 10

    53. Norman Bates: 10

    54. Beowulf: 10

    60: Dominic Cobb: 9



    60. Bigfoot

    59. Dwight Schrute

    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind

    57. Superman

    56. Woody the Cowboy

    55. Hazama

    54. Saber

    53. Doc Brown

    52. Jesse Pinkman

    51. Geno

    50. Nick Fury

    49. Sauron

    48. Ren

    47. Yu Narukami

    46. Trevor Phillips

    45. Paper Mario

    44. Hiccup

    43. James T. Kirk

    42: Commander Video

    41. Sonic

    40: Epic Sax Guy

  14. Heal Master Chief, hurt Phoenix Wright.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12

    2. Anna: 12

    4. Marth: 10

    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12

    6. Captain Nemo: 13

    7. Samus Aran: 14

    8. Phoenix Wright: 10

    9. Solaire of Astora: 12

    10. Master Chief: 11

    12. Sherlock Holmes: 8

    13. Mega Man: 10

    14. Professor Layton: 11

    16. Darth Vader: 13

    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10

    21. Oberyn Martell: 12

    23. Jaime Lannister: 10

    24. Optimus Prime: 12

    25. Boba Fett: 12

    26. Michael Bluth: 5

    27. Jack Sparrow: 9

    30. Edward Kenway: 10

    31. Quote: 10

    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 10

    34. Madotsuki: 10

    35. Audrey Parker: 10

    38: The Slender Man: 12

    39: The Courier: 11

    41: The Doctor: 11

    42: Fawful: 7

    43: Captain Olimar: 10

    44: Scooby Doo: 10

    46: Nathan Drake: 10

    48: GLaDOS: 10

    50: Captain Falcon: 8

    51. George Bailey: 11

    52. James Bond: 10

    53. Norman Bates: 11

    54. Beowulf: 10

    60: Dominic Cobb: 9



    60. Bigfoot

    59. Dwight Schrute

    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind

    57. Superman

    56. Woody the Cowboy

    55. Hazama

    54. Saber

    53. Doc Brown

    52. Jesse Pinkman

    51. Geno

    50. Nick Fury

    49. Sauron

    48. Ren

    47. Yu Narukami

    46. Trevor Phillips

    45. Paper Mario

    44. Hiccup

    43. James T. Kirk

    42: Commander Video

    41. Sonic 

    40: Epic Sax Guy

  15. You guys just work together to bring characters down. Kind of ruins the game imo..

    We don't always; Sonic was brought down by only one person, and Anna's somehow stuck around despite everyone trying to kill her.


    Heal Samus, hurt Captain Falcon.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12

    2. Anna: 14

    4. Marth: 10

    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12

    6. Captain Nemo: 13

    7. Samus Aran: 14

    8. Phoenix Wright: 11

    9. Solaire of Astora: 12

    10. Master Chief: 10

    12. Sherlock Holmes: 8

    13. Mega Man: 10

    14. Professor Layton: 11

    16. Darth Vader: 12

    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10

    21. Oberyn Martell: 12

    23. Jaime Lannister: 10

    24. Optimus Prime: 12

    25. Boba Fett: 12

    26. Michael Bluth: 5

    27. Jack Sparrow: 9

    30. Edward Kenway: 10

    31. Quote: 10

    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 10

    34. Madotsuki: 10

    35. Audrey Parker: 10

    38: The Slender Man: 12

    39: The Courier: 11

    41: The Doctor: 11

    42: Fawful: 10

    43: Captain Olimar: 10

    44: Scooby Doo: 10

    46: Nathan Drake: 10

    48: GLaDOS: 10

    50: Captain Falcon: 8

    51. George Bailey: 11

    52. James Bond: 10

    53. Norman Bates: 11

    54. Beowulf: 10

    60: Dominic Cobb: 9



    60. Bigfoot

    59. Dwight Schrute

    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind

    57. Superman

    56. Woody the Cowboy

    55. Hazama

    54. Saber

    53. Doc Brown

    52. Jesse Pinkman

    51. Geno

    50. Nick Fury

    49. Sauron

    48. Ren

    47. Yu Narukami

    46. Trevor Phillips

    45. Paper Mario

    44. Hiccup

    43. James T. Kirk

    42: Commander Video

    41. Sonic 

    40: Epic Sax Guy

  16. Double hurt Epic Sax Guy.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12
    2. Anna: 12
    4. Marth: 10
    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12
    6. Captain Nemo: 13
    7. Samus Aran: 13
    8. Phoenix Wright: 11
    9. Solaire of Astora: 12
    10. Master Chief: 10
    12. Sherlock Holmes: 9
    13. Mega Man: 10
    14. Professor Layton: 11
    16. Darth Vader: 12
    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10
    21. Oberyn Martell: 12
    23. Jaime Lannister: 10
    24. Optimus Prime: 12
    25. Boba Fett: 12
    26. Michael Bluth: 5
    27. Jack Sparrow: 9
    30. Edward Kenway: 10
    31. Quote: 10
    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 10
    34. Madotsuki: 10
    35. Audrey Parker: 10
    38: The Slender Man: 12
    39: The Courier: 11
    40: Epic Sax Guy: 7
    41: The Doctor: 11
    42: Fawful: 10
    43: Captain Olimar: 10
    44: Scooby Doo: 10
    46: Nathan Drake: 10
    48: GLaDOS: 9
    50: Captain Falcon: 9
    51. George Bailey: 11
    52. James Bond: 10
    53. Norman Bates: 10
    54. Beowulf: 10
    60: Dominic Cobb: 9

    60. Bigfoot
    59. Dwight Schrute
    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind
    57. Superman
    56. Woody the Cowboy
    55. Hazama
    54. Saber
    53. Doc Brown
    52. Jesse Pinkman
    51. Geno
    50. Nick Fury
    49. Sauron
    48. Ren
    47. Yu Narukami
    46. Trevor Phillips
    45. Paper Mario
    44. Hiccup
    43. James T. Kirk
    42: Commander Video

    41. Sonic

  17. Double hurt/kill Commander Video.







    Heal Sonic, hurt Epic Sax Guy.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12

    2. Anna: 12

    3. Sonic: 2

    4. Marth: 10

    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12

    6. Captain Nemo: 13

    7. Samus Aran: 13

    8. Phoenix Wright: 11

    9. Solaire of Astora: 12

    10. Master Chief: 10

    12. Sherlock Holmes: 9

    13. Mega Man: 10

    14. Professor Layton: 11

    16. Darth Vader: 12

    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10

    21. Oberyn Martell: 12

    23. Jaime Lannister: 10

    24. Optimus Prime: 12

    25. Boba Fett: 12

    26. Michael Bluth: 5

    27. Jack Sparrow: 9

    30. Edward Kenway: 10

    31. Quote: 10

    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 10

    34. Madotsuki: 10

    35. Audrey Parker: 10

    38: The Slender Man: 12

    39: The Courier: 11

    40: Epic Sax Guy: 9

    41: The Doctor: 11

    42: Fawful: 10

    43: Captain Olimar: 10

    44: Scooby Doo: 10

    46: Nathan Drake: 10

    48: GLaDOS: 9

    50: Captain Falcon: 9

    51. George Bailey: 11

    52. James Bond: 10

    53. Norman Bates: 10

    54. Beowulf: 10

    60: Dominic Cobb: 9



    60. Bigfoot

    59. Dwight Schrute

    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind

    57. Superman

    56. Woody the Cowboy

    55. Hazama

    54. Saber

    53. Doc Brown

    52. Jesse Pinkman

    51. Geno

    50. Nick Fury

    49. Sauron

    48. Ren

    47. Yu Narukami

    46. Trevor Phillips

    45. Paper Mario

    44. Hiccup

    43. James T. Kirk

    42: Commander Video

  18. Heal Sonic, hurt Kirk.

    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12
    2. Anna: 10
    3. Sonic: 5
    4. Marth: 10
    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12
    6. Captain Nemo: 13
    7. Samus Aran: 13
    8. Phoenix Wright: 11
    9. Solaire of Astora: 12
    10. Master Chief: 10
    12. Sherlock Holmes: 9
    13. Mega Man: 10
    14. Professor Layton: 11
    16. Darth Vader: 12
    18. James T. Kirk: 1
    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10
    21. Oberyn Martell: 12
    23. Jaime Lannister: 10
    24. Optimus Prime: 12
    25. Boba Fett: 12
    26. Michael Bluth: 9
    27. Jack Sparrow: 9
    30. Edward Kenway: 10
    31. Quote: 10
    32. Commander Video: 10
    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 11
    34. Madotsuki: 10
    35. Audrey Parker: 10
    38: The Slender Man: 12
    39: The Courier: 11
    40: Epic Sax Guy: 10
    41: The Doctor: 11
    42: Fawful: 10
    43: Captain Olimar: 10
    44: Scooby Doo: 10
    46: Nathan Drake: 10
    48: GLaDOS: 9
    50: Captain Falcon: 10
    51. George Bailey: 11
    52. James Bond: 10
    53. Norman Bates: 10
    54. Beowulf: 10
    60: Dominic Cobb: 10

    60. Bigfoot
    59. Dwight Schrute
    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind
    57. Superman
    56. Woody the Cowboy
    55. Hazama
    54. Saber
    53. Doc Brown
    52. Jesse Pinkman
    51. Geno
    50. Nick Fury
    49. Sauron
    48. Ren
    47. Yu Narukami
    46. Trevor Phillips
    45. Paper Mario
    44. Hiccup

  19. Heal Sonic, hurt Kirk.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12

    2. Anna: 10

    3. Sonic: 4

    4. Marth: 10

    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12

    6. Captain Nemo: 13

    7. Samus Aran: 13

    8. Phoenix Wright: 11

    9. Solaire of Astora: 12

    10. Master Chief: 10

    12. Sherlock Holmes: 9

    13. Mega Man: 10

    14. Professor Layton: 11

    16. Darth Vader: 12

    18. James T. Kirk: 4

    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10

    21. Oberyn Martell: 12

    23. Jaime Lannister: 10

    24. Optimus Prime: 12

    25. Boba Fett: 12

    26. Michael Bluth: 9

    27. Jack Sparrow: 9

    30. Edward Kenway: 10

    31. Quote: 10

    32. Commander Video: 10

    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 11

    34. Madotsuki: 10

    35. Audrey Parker: 10

    38: The Slender Man: 12

    39: The Courier: 11

    40: Epic Sax Guy: 10

    41: The Doctor: 11

    42: Fawful: 10

    43: Captain Olimar: 10

    44: Scooby Doo: 10

    46: Nathan Drake: 10

    48: GLaDOS: 9

    50: Captain Falcon: 10

    51. George Bailey: 11

    52. James Bond: 10

    53. Norman Bates: 10

    54. Beowulf: 10

    60: Dominic Cobb: 10



    60. Bigfoot

    59. Dwight Schrute

    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind

    57. Superman

    56. Woody the Cowboy

    55. Hazama

    54. Saber

    53. Doc Brown

    52. Jesse Pinkman

    51. Geno

    50. Nick Fury

    49. Sauron

    48. Ren

    47. Yu Narukami

    46. Trevor Phillips

    45. Paper Mario

    44. Hiccup

  20. Double hurt Hiccup.


    1. Neku Sakuraba: 12
    2. Anna: 10
    3. Sonic: 7
    4. Marth: 10
    5. Sho Minamimoto: 12
    6. Captain Nemo: 13
    7. Samus Aran: 13
    8. Phoenix Wright: 11
    9. Solaire of Astora: 12
    10. Master Chief: 10
    12. Sherlock Holmes: 9
    13. Mega Man: 10
    14. Professor Layton: 11
    16. Darth Vader: 12
    18. James T. Kirk: 9
    20. Hannibal Lecter: 10
    21. Oberyn Martell: 12
    23. Jaime Lannister: 10
    24. Optimus Prime: 12
    25. Boba Fett: 12
    26. Michael Bluth: 9
    27. Jack Sparrow: 9
    30. Edward Kenway: 10
    31. Quote: 10
    32. Commander Video: 10
    33. Paul Muad'Dib: 11
    34. Madotsuki: 10
    35. Audrey Parker: 10
    38: The Slender Man: 12
    39: The Courier: 11
    40: Epic Sax Guy: 10
    41: The Doctor: 11
    42: Fawful: 10
    43: Captain Olimar: 10
    44: Scooby Doo: 10
    46: Nathan Drake: 10
    48: GLaDOS: 9
    50: Captain Falcon: 10
    51. George Bailey: 11
    52. James Bond: 10
    53. Norman Bates: 10
    54. Beowulf: 10
    60: Dominic Cobb: 10

    60. Bigfoot
    59. Dwight Schrute
    58. The God-Emperor of Mankind
    57. Superman
    56. Woody the Cowboy
    55. Hazama
    54. Saber
    53. Doc Brown
    52. Jesse Pinkman
    51. Geno
    50. Nick Fury
    49. Sauron
    48. Ren
    47. Yu Narukami
    46. Trevor Phillips
    45. Paper Mario

    44. Hiccup

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