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Posts posted by Venomcus

  1. Prologue: Welcome to Benevus The world Benevus is far away from Spherus Magna. Skrall, Toa, Matoran, Rahi and Vorox are found on Benevus as well as Spherus Magna. It had begun as an experiment many years ago, to see if they could live together. When they could, the Great Being called "The Shadow" had grown bored with her experiment. She started collating her forces on Benevus, including the entire Skrall and Pravús species and forcing her dominance. But many beings started rebelling and eventually, attacked "The Shadow". The massive battle nearly tore apart Benevus, and it took an army to destroy "The Shadow" and end her reign of horror. However, her right hand, Xakan, started forming his own organization in the next five-hundred millennia. The Axis became a deadly, dark, and dangerous force that committed thousands of atrocious acts. No one fought them, in fear of another war. A secret organization called The Valiance began to investigate these acts, and discovered the true plot of The Axis. Construction began on a weapon called the Cordak Engine, "Cordak" being the Matoran word for "desolation". It was capable of destroying entire islands, wiping out whole species, and even destroying a Great Being powerful as "The Shadow". However, an inside agent found out about the super weapon. He was killed, but the information already reached Xakan. A battle was waged. A single battle that lasted almost a year raged between the Axis and the Valiance. By this time, the Valiance was common knowledge. The battle was almost as brutal as the war against the Shadow. Millions died not just from conflict, but disease as well. The leader of the Valiance, Likllen, was not happy with the loss of so many warriors, but she knew if they retreated that the Axis would initiate their final plan, and utterly devastate Benevus and the rest of the universe. On the final day, Xakan came into battle. It was devastating. His unimaginable power felled the some of the greatest Toa, even managing to destroy whole battalions. In a surprising turn of events, the Skrall and Pravús came to the aid of the Valiance, for their hate of the Great Being’s former lieutenant, distracting Xakan and giving Likllen the edge to destroy the mighty warlord. That was not the end of the battle. The Axis came in stronger and more furious then they had being before, tipping the tables in their favor. The Valiance was forced to use their last resort, the devastating Cordak Engine. Both sides were destroyed, the island of Kattan was annihilated and only a handful survived from the Valiance and the Axis. The death toll was high up in the millions. A race of warriors, the Terrekins, were wiped out when their island was destroyed, alongside several rare and endangered species of Rahi. There was a great mourning across Benevus and the battle came to be known as the Final Battle of Kattan. The Skrall and Pravús secluded themselves, angry that such a weapon had been used, and so many had perished. ______________________________________________________________ In the present day... The one mistake most seemed to make in front of Pravús Zortan was to assume him to be a brute. His bulky armor seemed to throw people off from his true cunning. Zortan was a planner, a manipulator. It suited him to have a form that tricks his enemies; it only makes them easier to kill. He doesn't believe in challenges, or killing for thrill. A cunning manipulator such as him needed others to bend to his will. Besides, torturing was much more fun.Zortans armor was crimson and black, and he wore a Kanohi Jutlin, one he carved himself and was quite proud of. His massive blade was attached to his waist, and swayed as the bulky Makuta walked through corridors, adorned with countless trophies. He came to a massive door with a large lock in the centre. He closed his hand over the lock and infused it with some of his shadow power. The lock clicked, and the doors opened to allow Zortan in. The only feature in the room was a large, round table in the centre of the room. Decorated with intricate markings, the centre of the table held a large black stone. It swirled with shadow energy and an image was projecting itself in the stone. It was a Vikkor stone, allowing users to watch events elsewhere and even allows telepathic communication, if need be. It was the last one, all came from a mine in Kattan and they were lost when the island was destroyed. Several figures stood around the table, and the turned to face Zortan as soon as he walked in. There was the gold and black hunchback known as Mythos, the white and green ex-Toa Zetal, the grey and gunmetal Pravús Vohmaz and the infamous Pravús Zaantak, a black and silver armored Pravús and conqueror of the Xacov Isles, one of the most dangerous locations in Benevus. "Ah, my old friends!" hissed Zortan with a half-smile "How good to see you haven't perished at the hands of Toa!" Mythos, Zetal, Vohmaz and Zaantak were, along with Zortan, the only Axis survivors from the Final Battle of Kattan. Zortan wasn't surprised to see Mythos or Zaantak alive, with Mythos mysterious ghost powers and Zaantak for simply being evil and stubborn. Mythos was a legend among the matoran, a being so powerful to manipulate death and posses people, dead or alive. Zaantak killed for fun, as much as he could. He could be walking with you down a corridor, and the next thing you know, you're on the ground bleeding to death. He was feared among some of the Pravús, as a killer of his own kind. Zortan, Vohmaz and Zaantak were hated and rejected by their own brethren. "We are ready," hissed Zaantak "To conquer this world, and enslave the inferior beings that inhabit it.”"Really?" "Yes," growled Vohmaz "We can resurrect Xakan, and he will be the one to achieve our goal.” "We don't need him," Zortan insisted "I am all we need." "No," said Zetal, shaking his head "You are nothing compared to Xakan. He was mighty; his power was beyond anything of any Pravús." "How do you suggest we resurrect someone who has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years?" Zortan asked mockingly. Vohmaz smiled as he pulled something from behind him. He placed it on the table and Zortan stiffened slightly in surprise. He moved his hand forward and stroked the object. The Kanohi Dezaelus, the Great Mask of Chaos. The mask of Xakan.______________________________________________________________ Spirit City was amazing. What was once an island had been converted into a city, save the beaches. Matoran lived in peace and worked undisturbed. A large portion had been separated from the rest, which were the factories. Generating lots of smoke and whatnot, the factories had been moved to help the lives of most matoran.Javel was glad. The Ba-Matoran worked in architecture, drawing up plans for new buildings. He enjoyed this job, and was glad to be away from the industry side of things. He was a great artist, all his friends said so. He frowned as he was going through his work. A small carving was sitting there on his desk. He accidently knocked it over and it shattered on impact. After scrabbling to put the pieces together, he ran over to his trunk and pulled it open. Grabbing a small dagger, he sheathed it and ran out the door. The shattered message reads: XA.. KAN... RE... TURNS.. JAVEL... HELP... AXIS.... R...TURN..G... TOA... COME... FOREST.... O... TORLEM. Javel knows his history. He read about the Axis and Xakan. If they return not just Benevus, but the universe itself could be in jeopardy. According to the message, he had to go to the forest on Torlem. Torlem was usually a peaceful place, a forest, beautiful and tranquil. Javel had been there on vacation once. Judging from the message, there could be considerable danger. Javel walked quickly down the street, towards the harbor. He owned his own boat, and Torlem wasn't very far from Spirit City.______________________________________________________________ The lime armored warrior watched as Javel rushed towards the harbor. He finished the first part of his job, to deliver the message. Now for the second part, to protect him until he accomplished his destiny. Benevus was in danger, and the warrior’s superiors wanted only safety for the planet. He looked up at the sky. One could say he was a hero of justice, like a Toa. But he wasn't. His past ruined that now. The crimes he committed would forever stain his name, his reputation, his life. His former service to the Axis had brought out the monster within him, the rage and the hate. But now was his chance to redeem himself. After being released from the prison island of Traznalac, a terrible place for some of the greatest criminals, he had been hired by some beings who appeared to work as a force of justice Schaavek gave a small smile, and vanished from the rooftops. Review Topic: http://www.bzpower.c...p?showtopic=397
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