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Blog Entries posted by T-Dawg

  1. T-Dawg
    30 hours into Xenoblade X;


    Visuals: Still drop dead gorgeous with some of the later areas I could just stay in for hours, if it weren't for the monsters like 40 levels higher than me wanting to rip my face off.


    Combat: I've got pretty much everything known now and have since the 9 hour mark, honestly this combat feels much faster than Xenoblade chronicles and IMO much better.


    Skells: Finally got one and have been playing with it for hours as my inner child is going nuts about it, plus combat becomes really fun in the fact you can handle monsters higher leveled than you are... sometimes*


    *size really IS everything




    TL;DR Still addicted and will keep on with the binge playing for the next who knows how long.

  2. T-Dawg
    Got back into Xenoblade X to get a ton of endgame stuff done, currently working on a blossom dance build so I can solo anything and try and relearn some stuff.


    In the past two days I went from around 120 hours to 160, and managed to get the Ares 90 Skell to help with grinding for stuff to build the dream level 60 Skell I wish to use forever.


    Still have a very little understanding of how overdrive works but whatever I'll figure it out soon enough.

  3. T-Dawg
    It's ok.


    The lack of anything F-Zero once again makes me salty as the ocean, new Xenoblade and Bomberman is great to see, but paid online and a lack of general interest for BoTW or anything else really hasn't sold me on the console yet.

  4. T-Dawg
    Going to Niagara Falls this week, I ain't ever been there so I look forward to it. Thankfully I don't need to drive any of the way there so I can just binge read Steel Ball Run and mass watch the Battletoads race during the 9 hour trip.

  5. T-Dawg
    So in the year 2006 when we had been living in our new house for a few months now, one neighborhood kid I knew had a lemonade stand one day so that he could buy some new toy he wanted. Well at the time the new Inika sets had just been launched and my love for Bionicle still roared strong and I wanted to buy Jaller.


    So the only logical thing my mind could come up with, lets sell toys I don't need or want and use the money to buy it. Well it worked amazingly but my only customer was the younger kid (probably about 6 or 7 years old) who had the lemonade stand. In short I basically took all the hard earned money he made that day in a fraction of the time it took for him just so I could go to the store and buy Inika Jaller. I was 10-11ish at the time but I could see the disappointment in his parents eyes and my own......


    I still got the Bionicle set though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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