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Status Updates posted by avmatoran

  1. What's with the name change?

    1. Alex Humva

      Alex Humva

      Surprisingly, I haven't had the title of engineer yet, so I figured I'd put that on for a bit.

    2. avmatoran


      Personally, I think that and "cybernetic" are your best titles yet. Perhaps Rocket Scientist next?

    3. Ghidora131
  2. Whatever happened to your Exo-Force comic?

    1. .melancholiste


      It's taken a massive hiatus, but I've slowly been getting back into it.

    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Glad to hear that :D

  3. When will you be able to post the next Destiny of Bionicle chapter?

  4. Why are you in the Lego RPG forum, and what are you looking at? I'm not mad, just curious.

    1. Thunder on the Mountain

      Thunder on the Mountain

      Just humbly lookin' 'round.

  5. Why'd you change your name? I liked the old one better.

    1. Jacks


      Cause I was getting tired of being named after an extant character from a different canon, and most folks were calling me Jacks anyway.

    2. Jacks


      Well, except for TC01, who still calls me Cohrii xD

  6. Yes, is it going to be reposted on this new forum?

  7. You little lier.

    1. PeabodySam


      Lying about what?

    2. avmatoran


      Among other things, your age.

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