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Status Updates posted by Orikume

  1. hey, thanks for saying I have a cool name :)

  2. Queen Chryaslis from MLL: FiM

  3. Animegao Kigurumi is cute! Saving up for one

  4. do you like Shaymin too?

  5. Queen Chrysalis is hot

  6. PONIES!!!!!!!!!!

  7. My Friend, Maddy

  8. when is the next Lewa Q&A coming out? that show is so Funny

  9. Thanks, I've been busy with school and stuff so that's why I haven't been going on much.

  10. Kill La Kill is Awesome!

  11. Sorry for the late birthday but....


  12. I was wandering what is the opening theme for bionicle Rebirth chronicles. it's very catchy.

  13. The fact that I couldn't go to NYCC...

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