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Blog Entries posted by Obsessionist

  1. Obsessionist
    If you had told me a couple months ago that, as a poor college student, I would be spending eight bucks on yoyo lube, I wouldn't have believed you. Especially if you also told me that Twilight Princess HD, great new Bionicle sets, and the Majora's mask remake I still haven't played would be competing for that money.
    But you can't use videogames or Lego while walking to and from classes.
  2. Obsessionist
    I don't really feel motivated. I understand why I would be motivated. I'm invested now, I want to do my best, I'm too close to success to let one more sleepless night get in my way. But I don't regularly feel a powerful urge to do what I do.
    Thank goodness there is some sort of unavoidable, powerful, subconscious motivation at work, because I have 100% relied on it to drive my academic pursuits. I get my homework done, by golly, because I can't not get my homework done.
    This has been a confusing few sentences and I'm not entirely sure what I was trying to say. It's been nice procrastinating on that Bio paper, though.
  3. Obsessionist
    I'm pretty ambivalent, really. I was expecting to be really excited at any mention of a new Zelda game, Zelda U or not, but this so far this doesn't look like the style of game I'm interested in. It doesn't look like it will have the gameplay I love about Zelda games. I'm not against it, though. No reason for the tons of fans who have been wanting something like this not to receive it.
    Then again, with just a minute and a half of footage, nothing is certain yet. I may get really hype for it later on.
    oh and I don't have a Wii U so it's not like I can play it anyways
  4. Obsessionist
    Not today... It was supposed to be day one of midterms, but school is closed. Funny, because it's 39 degrees F with zero precipitation or wind or anything. We're scheduled to have some snow... After we would have been released. Any of you in actually snowy regions may proceed in mocking us.
    Not that I'm complaining, a day off is a day off.
  5. Obsessionist
    -The Le-Koro display was fantastic
    -Retinence's Leafeon was great, I hadn't seen that before
    -Sumiki is more desperate for hats than I realized
    -I still don't think a Wal-Mart bag counts
    -Zatth! Kongu Mahri Kanohi guy is Zatth!
    -Kudos to B6 for sorting the brick parts-draft style, which made it ten times cooler
    -I now own four dark orange Kohrak-Kal shields
    -Also 23+ pairs of dark orange 2x6 slopes
    -SpaceSHIP, SpaceSHIP, SpaceSHIP
    -Meeting BZPers is cool
    -So is streetpassing BZPers... I really should have cleared out my Mii Plaza halfway though my visit
    -Why must Chick-fil-A be so crowded
  6. Obsessionist
    A couple of Youtubers I like are doing Nuzlockes, which really made me want to do another one with Pokemon Y. This meant spending most of today getting Zygarde, Mewtwo, and Articuno on my previous Pokemon Y Nuzlocke file to transfer to Omega Ruby. And while I was at it, I spend hours trading items and 'mons over to Ruby, so I wouldn't have to collect the Mega Stones again or save up battle points for items. Luckily I could borrow my sister's 3DS to do this.
    Finally, it's time to start. Since everyone does it a little differently, and to hold myself accountable, here's my take on Nuzlocke-ing:

    If a Pokemon faints, it's dead and must be released. Actually released, no RIP box or cop-outs like that. I broke down and made a RIP box last time, but this time a death is a death.
    Only the first Pokemon encountered in an area may be caught. This excludes trainer battles, but static encounters like the Mega Lucario, Legendaries, and such do count. I'm not using the duplicates clause, if I get duplicates, I have to use duplicates. I'm using/inventing the Shiny Clause. Any shiny I encounter is presumably a gift from Arceus, and I'll catch it and use it.
    No running away from battles, ever.
    Change battle style to "set".
    No Exp. Share. I used it last time, but this time I don't want any Pokemon I don't use to suddenly be high-level.
    While in battle, no using items (obviously excluding Pokeballs), except when the opposing trainer uses an item, in which case I may match the opponent item-for-item.
    Pokemon can hold any items.
    I'll use Pokecenters as much as I like. I'm not ready to go that hardcore.
    I'm choosing my starter. I'd like to go random, but one benefit to replaying Y is finally being able to catch Zapdos at the end of it, and for that I have to choose Fenneken. Though I hate the ear-hair.

    Thus far my team is Magus the lv. 7 Fenniken and Killion the lv. 3 Pidgey. I'll probably update with my progress from time to time. It's a little cliche and boring in blog format, but I'd like a record to be kept of the brave Pokemon souls who will sacrifice themselves for me. Maybe. Hopefully there are no fatalities. Ha.
  7. Obsessionist
    ...except the only other site I'm active on is MOCpages, which we could link to already. Most of the content not allowed on BZP I'm not interested in saying or being exposed to anyway. I can see how the change in necessary and good, particularly since there's a warning involved and you still can't link to non-BZP-friendly content, but I'm not sure I personally really like it or not.
    But yeah, a great choice on the part of the staff. The recent changes have all be great.
  8. Obsessionist
    So I'm Dungeon Master for a D&D group now. (Some people wanted to join, so our old DM lead their group, and I, having conveniently and spectacularly died, DM'd our old group.)
    Our bard summoned a cello above a paladin. The paladin succeeded in his reflex save, and the cello slammed into the cold hard floor of the temple, shattering. The party proceeds to blow up the temple.
    Five minutes later, all action halts as we all realize that none of us made a "drop the bass" joke.
  9. Obsessionist
    How on earth am I going to get this done I don't even know. I've had a lot of bad homework nights but the sheer slowness of understanding and summarizing history makes tonight take the cake.
    AP/IB testing season is rough.
    We're taking the AP tests at my church, though, so I think that entails some sort of home team advantage?
  10. Obsessionist
    Alright, guys. The Professor Layton and Ace Attorney series had better be as good as everyone keeps saying they are. I was dragged to Kohl's to grab a shirt and had an opportunity to browse Gamestop's used games. They had a buy-2-get-1 sale on DS and Wii games, and I took the opprotunity to grab Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, and Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney Investigations. I was going to get a Phoenix Wright game, but an employee advised me that all three Wright games were coming to 3DS soon. If I end up liking the gameplay I'll have to pick up the compilation.
    Honestly, I bought them half for myself and half to get my sisters to use their 3DS. A man from church gave them one and I'm hoping to get them into gaming with it. I'm not sure what to expect from these games, but I'm optimistic.
    (Also that was Brickfair money I spent. If these aren't good I'll have grave regrets.)
  11. Obsessionist
    The Gamecube controller adapter for Wii U will only work with Smash Bros. Nintendo had the solution to all of the Wii U's backwards compatibility and virtual console problems within reach and they whiffed.
  12. Obsessionist
    The derivative of position is velocity.
    The derivative of velocity is acceleration.
    And apparently the derivative of acceleration is ###### (a censored mean person) (or jolt or surge or lurch).
    The derivative of the ###### is the jounce (or snap)
    The derivative of jounce is sometimes called the crackle.
    The derivative of crackle is pop.
    But what comes after that?
    My suggestions:
    Power Slide
    Hyper-Extended Super Slide
    And then what?
  13. Obsessionist
    I have a friend who, for IB History of the Americas, is doing a project on the Yippies, a hippie-like group who proposed a pig for president and were arrested for their efforts. This friend has found a lot of sources about certain protests and recently turned in the rough draft of this Internal Assessment.
    Now, say this with me...
    He has researched and written a
    Yippie IA
    ...This gave us a lot of joy, but we're full-IB students operating on sleepless nights and caffeine, so your mileage may vary. By the way, this real trial on Pigasus is worth reading the whole way through. Trust me.
  14. Obsessionist
    The blogs got amnesia, but it did, I remember.
    Friend code yay:
    Elite Four triumphant team (plus two or three levels):
    Quacklin' (Farfetch'd Lv. 97)
    Jedward (Greninja Lv. 81)
    Blaziken (Blaziken Lv. 83)
    Hermione (Sigilyph Lv. 82)
    Norik (Charizard Lv. 80)
    Mordecai (Linoone Lv. 79)
    Xaeraz the Honedge, Scatcat the Vivillon, and Xaviander the Xerneas helped along the way.
    Verdict: Pokemon is absolutely amazing. How did I live this long without it?
    *For Trade*
    I desperately want Mewtwonite Y. I have Mewtwonite X. Firstly, I don't know if there is even an item-trading system, but if there is, I want to make this trade.
  15. Obsessionist
    So OCRemix just released a really cool album you should all download. It's even better than the trailer makes it sound. It was released yesterday and I've already listened to Peach's House Party far too many times.

    Also, Link and Ganondorf were featured on the front page, which is pretty neat! If you haven't, you can still check out the topic here.
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